SST and SIC in HIRLAM and HARMONIE Mariken Homleid ALADIN/HIRLAM Workshop/ASM, 14 May 2009.


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Presentation transcript:

SST and SIC in HIRLAM and HARMONIE Mariken Homleid ALADIN/HIRLAM Workshop/ASM, 14 May 2009

… an UPDATE of the STATUS of Sea Surface Temperature and Sea Ice Concentration in ………… HIRLAM – SPAN NEW routines for SST and SIC updates SST analysed by OI using O&SI SAF MAP SST OR pseudo observations created from ECMWF with 0.5 deg. res. SIC interpolated from O&SI SAF product OR ECMWF SIC HARMONIE – 35h1branch - CANARI SST and SIC interpolated from ECMWF SST and SIC

ECMWF SST - Sea Surface Temperature - from OSTIA / UK MetOffice (30.sep.2008) ECMWF SIC - Sea Ice Concentration - from O&SI SAF / (30.sep.2008)

For more information see: SST global ~6km daily Observations AVHRR ATSR AMSR-E in situ Analysis method OI quality control bias corrections

ECMWF SST/T0m 29. September 2008

ECMWF SST/T0m 30. September 2008

ECMWF SST/T0m 1. October 2008

ECMWF SST/T0m 2. October 2008

For more information see: SIC daily hemispheric polar stereographic 10 km Based on SSM/I

HIRLAM version 7.3 – SST and SIC - updates relative to previous versions Previous versions: SST analysed by successive corrections using observations from ship and buoys and pseudo observations created from ECMWF SST, 2. deg. res. SIC diagnosed from SST HIRLAM 7.3: SST analysed by optimum interpolation using observations from ship and buoys and O&SI SAF MAP SST (based on IR – available only in cloud free regions) or pseudo observations created from ECMWF SST, 0.5 deg. res. SIC updated daily from O&SI SAF product directly or from ECMWF SIC Over land: SST field relaxed against climatological field SIC diagnosed from SST (i.e. climatological ice cover over lakes)

HIRLAM reference SST and SIC, Jan (shown also at ASM in Oslo, 2007)

HIRLAM experimental SST and SIC, Jan (shown also at ASM in Oslo, 2007)

Experiments with HIRLAM version 7.3beta1 Time period: 23. October – 23. November 2008 r15f – with OSI SAF SST and SIC, updated 06 UTC Env_expdesc: r15e – with ECMWF SST and SIC, updated 06 UTC Env_expdesc: SAFICE=no # use OSISAF Sea Ice product ICETIME=:06: # Time(s) for updating Sea Ice SAFSST=no # use OSISAF MAP SST product SSTTIME=:06: # Time(s) for SST analysis SAFICE=yes # use OSISAF Sea Ice product ICETIME=:06: # Time(s) for updating Sea Ice SAFSST=yes # use OSISAF MAP SST product SSTTIME=:06: # Time(s) for SST analysis

HIRLAM 7.3beta1 - r15f - with O&SI SAF SST AND SIC

HIRLAM 7.3beta1 - r15e - with ECMWF SST AND SIC

HIRLAM 7.3beta1 - difference between r15f and r15e

HIRLAM 7.3beta1 experiments 23. October – 23. November 2008 r15e with ECMWF SST and SIC r15f with O&SI SAF SST and SIC ECMWF

HARMONIE – 35h1branch – update of SST/Ts in CANARI 1) Update SST-field – in subroutine caclsst Over sea: ECMWF SST – type AN – with missing values along coasts and over land Coasts where lsm=0: extrapolation of ECMWF SST Over land: Ts from climate files 2) OI analysis of T2m and RH2m - in subroutine cat2as and cah2as 3) Update Ts based on T2m and RH2m analysis – in subroutine cacsts 4) Combine SST and Ts – in subroutine cacsts  Ts over sea (lsm=0): ECMWF SST  Ts over land (lsm=1): updated by OI  Ts over land (lsm=0) – lakes: climatological Ts SIC from ECMWF available in CANARI, but not yet used in HARMONIE??

HARMONIE 35h1branch Ts 6. June

HARMONIE 35h1branch Ts 6. June

HARMONIE 35h1branch Ts – analysis increments 6. June

HARMONIE 35h1branch Ts 6. June

HARMONIE 35h1branch Ts + snow 6. June

HARMONIE 35h1branch Ts – analysis increments 6. June

Thank you! Summary HIRLAM and HARMONIE SST and SIC based on ECMWF, different approaches, but close results Quality of ECMWF SST and SIC significantly improved 30. September 2008 when OSTIA SST and O&SI SAF SIC replaced NCEP products Potential improvement by direct use of OSTIA and O&SI SAF products

Thank you!