When God was choosing a Mother for his Son, he wanted someone who believed in His love for her. He wanted a mother who could say, at any minute of her life, ‘I KNOW that God loves me and will look after me always’.
Mary did not just SAY that she believed that God loved her – she did everything remembering that love, so even if she could not see the reason for the things that happened to her, she still said, ‘I believe that God loves me and that he knows best’. so even if she could not see the reason for the things that happened to her, she still said, ‘I believe that God loves me and that he knows best’.
There are many things about Our Lady that we should try and imitate. One of the most important of all is this strong confidence in God’s love for her.
Christians long ago started to pray to Our Lady in a lovely way. They made a list of things they knew about her and names they like to call her, and they said this list – or LITAN – and said ‘PRAY FOR US’ after each one.
Let us now pray a short litany together, asking Our Lady to pray to God for us. Your answer is ‘PRAY FOR US’.
Dear Mother Mary; Pray for Us Mary, Mother of Jesus; Pray for Us Mary, full of grace; Pray for Us Mary, Mother of us all; Pray for Us
Mary, most kind and loving; Pray for Us Mary, Mother of sinners and saints; Pray for Us Mary, Mother of gentleness; Pray for Us Mary, Mother of peace; Pray for Us
We will now pray together to God: God, our Father, We are glad that you chose a humble, poor girl to be the mother of Jesus. Her life was very much like ours in its lowliness. Help us to live our lives so that they are truly pleasing to you, like hers was. Lord, Hear Us.
We remember Mary and thank you for her, through whom you were able to give us your son. Lord, Hear Us.
Mother Mary, will you listen To the things I wish to say? How your sweet eyes used to glisten As you watched Him at His play!
And when He’d creep up to your knee, And when He’d pause for rest, You’d lift Him, O so tenderly, And clasp him to your chest.
Baby lips would lisp their secrets- Precious words into your ear. And you held Him tight and listened, Listened While you wiped away a tear.
Mother Mary, I’ve been playing And I’ve come to you for rest. Lift me up as you did Jesus – Clasp me safely to your chest.
I will whisper all my secrets- Halting words into your ear. Though they’re not as sweet as His were. Mother Mary, won’t you hear?
Now let us say a special prayer, that we all know well to Mary. Hail Mary
As I kneel before you Hymn As I kneel before you, As I bow my head in prayer, Take this day, make it yours and fill me with your love. Refrain: Ave Maria, Gratia plena, Dominus tecum, Benedicta tu. (Repeat last time) All I have I give you, Every dream and wish are yours, Mother of Christ, Mother of mine, present them to my Lord. (Repeat Refrain) As I kneel before you, And I see your smiling face, Ev'ry thought, ev'ry word Is lost in your embrace. (Repeat Refrain) Repeat chorus after each verse.