Japan Meteorological Agency, June 2016 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS JMA report on highlights and issues in dataset and products Presented to CGMS-44 Working Group II session, JMA-WP-03, agenda item 7 Japan Meteorological Agency
Japan Meteorological Agency, June 2016 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Contents Introduction Calibration, Image navigation and Registration (INR) Updates of ground processing system in March 2016 Level-2 products Atmospheric Motion Vectors SCOPE activities SCOPE-Nowcasting SCOPE-CM
Japan Meteorological Agency, June 2016 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Introduction Himawari-8 started operation on 7 July 2015 AHI (Advanced Himawari Imager) on Himawari-8: new generation GEO imager 3 VIS, 3 NIR and 10 IR bands Full disk observing cycle: 10 min., rapid scanning within 2.5 min. / 30 sec. intervals
Japan Meteorological Agency, June 2016 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Contents Introduction Calibration, Image navigation and Registration (INR) Updates of ground processing system in March 2016 Level-2 products Atmospheric Motion Vectors SCOPE activities SCOPE-Nowcasting SCOPE-CM
Japan Meteorological Agency, June 2016 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Calibration, Image Navigation and Registration (INR) Solar diffuser and black body are equipped as on-board calibration sources Several inter-calibration and vicarious calibration methods are also applied to Himawari-8/AHI validation Details will be presented in JMA-WP-05, agenda item 8
Japan Meteorological Agency, June 2016 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Orbit determination: based on ranging data Satellite attitude determination involves the use of star trackers and gyros Refined using landmark analysis based on pattern matching for coastlines Residual image navigation error in Himawari Standard Data (L1B equiv. data) is validated using landmark analysis Image Navigation and Registration (INR) Image navigation error Usually less than 0.5 IR pixels (approx. 1 km at SSP) The error occasionally/provisionally becomes larger in the next full-disk observing cycle after station keeping maneuver and at the timing of satellite eclipse
Japan Meteorological Agency, June 2016 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Two spikes of large image navigation error 1 st one: timing of the sun disappearing behind the Earth at 14:20 UTC 2 nd one: re-emergence at 15:20 UTC Image Navigation and Registration (INR) Image navigation error [pixel]
Japan Meteorological Agency, June 2016 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Updates of Himawari-8 Ground Processing System on 9 March Improvement of the band-to-band co-registration process for IR bands 2.Improvement of the resampling process 3.Implementation of a coherent noise reduction process 4.Bug fix for HSD header information The updates significantly improved Himawari-8 image quality relative misalignment between sensor bands
Japan Meteorological Agency, June 2016 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Ground Processing System Update – Band-to-band Co-registration Process for IR Bands Old process to estimate co-registration correction: Based on co-registration errors from pattern matching during in-orbit testing VNIR and Band 7 (3.9μm): optimized using AHI’s temperature IR except Band 7: constant New process applied to IR bands 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 15: Based on the co-registration errors of previous full-disk observing cycle w/o optimization Change of pattern matching method and a bug fix to determine its domain is also included Significant error reduction (e.g. ~0.2km -> ~0.02km in band 15) - New process would also be applied to remaining bands in future Units in IR pixel size (1pixel = 2km at SSP) Band-to-band co-registration errors w.r.t. band 13 (10.4 μm) observation “BEFORE” and “AFTER”: averages of all full-disk data 4-8 and March 2016 VIS/NIR bands: daytime averages (21:00-08:50 UTC)
Japan Meteorological Agency, June 2016 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Old process Unnatural spotted pixels in band-to-band differential imagery at the edge of clouds Due to inadequate resampling and large band-to-band co-registration errors New process (refined resampling parameters) Band-to-band radiance inconsistency is significantly reduced New band-to-band co-registration process also contributed to this improvement Dust RGB image at 00:10 UTC on 9 December 2015 Color composite: μm, μm, 10.4μm Ground Processing System Update – Resampling Process Old New
Japan Meteorological Agency, June 2016 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS AHI sensor configuration creates coherent noise: Stripes perpendicular to the scan direction over low-radiance areas E.g. cloud-free ocean in VIS/NIR, deep convective cloud in IR and deep space in all bands Noise reduction module was applied to bands 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15 Noise reduction parameters: based on deep-space observation and the Fourier transform significant reduction of striping The module was applied for band 7 on 18 June 2015 Ground Processing System Update – Coherent Noise Reduction Process nominal color palette (B/W from 0 to 1) As per (A), but min/max reflectivities are and 0.03 (A)(B) (C) Band 4 (0.86 μm) reflectivity at 00:20 UTC on 25 November 2015 As per (B), but with noise reduction process
Japan Meteorological Agency, June 2016 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Contents Introduction Calibration, Image navigation and Registration (INR) Updates of ground processing system in March 2016 Level-2 products Atmospheric Motion Vectors SCOPE activities SCOPE-Nowcasting SCOPE-CM
Japan Meteorological Agency, June 2016 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS AMV and CSR Have been distributed via GTS since 7 July 2015 User readiness: Himawari-8 AMV/CSR in commissioning phase were provided via the JMA Data Dissemination System (JDDS) before Himawari-8 became operational MTSAT-2 AMV/CSR had been provided via JDDS and GTS until 24 March 2016 to help smooth the transition from MTSAT-2 to Himawari-8 High-resolution Cloud Analysis Information Cloud-mask, -type, -phase, -top height in 0.02-degree gridded data Provided to NMHSs of Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar and Vietnam in response to requests Volcanic ash: VOLCAT software developed at NOAA/NESDIS is adopted Aerosol optical depth (AOD) product: for JMA’s internal use in Asian dust monitoring Himawari-8/AHI Level-2 Products ATBDs of Himawari-8 Level-2 products are available on:
Japan Meteorological Agency, June 2016 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Himawari-8 AMVs: disseminated via the GTS in BUFR format Hourly AMV from 10-minute-interval images for global NWP models Higher-density winds for regional NWP models: produced for JMA’s NWP section But are not currently sent overseas via GTS due to line speed limitations MTSAT-2 currently serves as a BACKUP satellite for Himawari-8 MTSAT-2 AMVs had been disseminated until 24 March 2016 All settings relating to MTSAT-2 AMV dissemination and production: unchanged AMV typeHeight rangePeriodicity Image interval Target size (pixels) Distribution 10.4 μm (IR)125 – 1,100 hPaHourly10 minutes7 x 7 BUFR via GTS 0.64 μm (2 km VIS)125 – 1,100 hPaHourly10 minutes7 x 7 BUFR via GTS 6.2 μm (WV1)125 – 400 hPaHourly10 minutes7 x 7 BUFR via GTS 6.7 μm (WV2)125 – 500 hPaHourly10 minutes7 x 7 BUFR via GTS 7.0 μm (WV3)125 – 600 hPaHourly10 minutes7 x 7 BUFR via GTS 3.7 μm (IR)125 – 1,100 hPaHourly10 minutes7 x 7 Internal use only Atmospheric Motion Vectors – Current Operation Status Himawari-8 AMVs generated by JMA (as of May 2016)
Japan Meteorological Agency, June 2016 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Rapid-scan AMVs using Himawari-8 frequent observation: under-development 0.5 km VIS w/ 2.5-minute-interval images will be used For utilization in limited-area NWP and typhoon monitoring Increased number of the winds around typhoon: provide more information for Estimation of sea surface wind speed Generation of typhoon bogus wind data, currently assimilated in JMA’s NWP models AMVs at 06 UTC on 20 October 2015 (Typhoon Champi) All wind levels, no-overlaps of target boxes Atmospheric Motion Vectors – Future Plans Current operational Himawari-8 VIS AMVs Rapid-scan AMVs
Japan Meteorological Agency, June 2016 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Contents Introduction Calibration, Image navigation and Registration (INR) Updates of ground processing system in March 2016 Level-2 products Atmospheric Motion Vectors SCOPE activities SCOPE-Nowcasting SCOPE-CM
Japan Meteorological Agency, June 2016 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS SWFDP: Severe Weather Forecasting Demonstration Project SWFDDP: Severe Weather Forecasting and Disaster Risk Reduction Demonstration Project) Himawari Real-Time Image webpage (incl. training materials) at JMA/MSC SCOPE-Nowcasting Pilot Project 1 – Basic Imagery Himawari-8 RGB composite / other imagery for full disk and selected areas in real time True Color Reproduction (TCR) image in collaboration with NOAA/NESDIS GOES-R AWG imagery team Released on 10 May 2016 Color tuning based on recipe parameter adjustment Under investigation to enhance the RGB-image display of met. phenomena in the Asia-Pacific area Heavy rainfall potential area imagery: also available Web resources are liked to JMA website for WMO RA II SWFDP / RA V SWFDDP
Japan Meteorological Agency, June 2016 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Real-time JPEG Imagery Service on JMA/MSC Website for Asia-Oceania Region
Japan Meteorological Agency, June 2016 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS JMA/MSC provided volcanic ash from MTSAT for 3 past volcanic eruptions Testbed for intercomparison of volcanic ash retrieval algorithms was established For producing retrievals using common satellite data and ancillary data Expected to be useful in comparing the inherent performance of individual algorithms SCOPE-Nowcasting Pilot Project 2 – Vocanic Ash Details will be reported in JMA-WP-04, agenda 8
Japan Meteorological Agency, June 2016 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Contribution to SCOPE-CM – Plans SCM-03 (Land surface albedo from GEO) Implementation of GSICS VIS inter-calibration method to GMS satellites Land surface albedo retrieval SCM-06 (GEO Inter-calibration) Implementation of IR/WV inter-calibration NameSCOPE-CM partners (*: leader)Other partners SCM-03: Land surface albedo from geostationary satellites (LAGS) EUMETSAT*, NOAA, JMA- SCM-06: Inter-calibration of passive imager observations from time-series of geostationary satellites (IOGEO) EUMETSAT* (CF and CM SAF), NOAA, JMA, CMA, IMD, KMA - SCM-09: Sustained production of International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project (ISCCP) cloud products NOAA*, JMA, CMA, EUMETSAT INPE NY City College SCM-10: Atmospheric Motion Vectors (AMVs) and Clear/All-Sky Radiances (CSR/ASRs) from historical meteorological satellites in geostationary and polar orbit JMA* (MSC + CPD), EUMETSAT (CF), NOAA (NCDC), University of Wisconsin (CIMSS), ECMWF
Japan Meteorological Agency, June 2016 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Summary Image navigation and Registration (INR) Updates of ground processing system on 9 March Band-to-band co-registration, resampling process, coherent noise reduction: significant improvement in image quality Level-2 products Atmospheric Motion Vectors - Rapid-scan AMVs designed for regional/limited area NWP models: under-development SCOPE activities SCOPE-Nowcasting - True Color Reproduction imagery was published on 10 May Volcanic ash testbed was established (see JMA-WP-04) SCOPE-CM - Land surface albedo retrieval and inter-calibration of GMSs : planned to be started in 2016
Japan Meteorological Agency, June 2016 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Thanks for your attention