W ELCOME Thank you for joining us tonight Prayer Fr Paul – overview of the sacrament Michelle Edmondson to go through family support and school activities Parent/child activity Paula – further info about celebration
L ET ’ S PRAY TOGETHER Mrs Edmondson: God, we acknowledge your presence...Lord, hear us. All: Lord, hear our prayer. Mrs Edmondson: These children are …Lord, hear us. All: Lord, hear our prayer. Mrs Edmondson: These children are …Lord, hear us. All: Lord, hear our prayer. All: Gracious and caring God, hear our prayers and guide us with your Holy Spirit as we learn to give witness to your presence and actin in our world. We make our prayer through Jesus Christ your Son. Amen
H OW CAN YOU SUPPORT YOUR CHILD ? Attend regular weekend Masses including family Masses at St Michael’s (every 3 rd Sunday at 9 am – refer to school website) Work through any activities sent home from school together Use ideas on handouts and in school diary Work through weekly diary page activities with your child – use it as a conversation starter Set up a family prayer time or space
A CTIVITIES Match up the symbols of baptism with the action. Which symbols also represent Communion or Confirmation? Talk about your baptism and what made it special. Finding a sponsor.
P REPARATION FOR THE CELEBRATION Easter Celebrations Holy Saturday Vigil 26 March 7.45pm St Aloysius Church, Sevenhill Commitment Weekends Find out which Mass each family is attending to present candidates : Weekend of Saturday and Sunday the 28 and 29 of May. First Communion and Confirmation Sunday 19 th June 2016, 2pm St Aloysius Church, Sevenhill
C ONCLUSION Dates for the next two meetings (7pm St Joseph’s School library) Tuesday 12 th April 2016 Tuesday 31 st May 2016 Need to attend both meetings (children and parents)