Card Scheme Position?
Visa / MasterCard / Amex The three main leaders formed EMVCo to set the EMV standards All three committed to full EMV compatibility worldwide Supported the reduction in fraud that in the 90’s was hitting them Any new card or terminal must be EMV and NFC.
Others – Discover, JCB, UnionPay These three schemes joined as members of EMVCo Discover and JCB mandate EMV in the same way as the previous schemes China UnionPay only recently joined and moving that way. Other schemes not yet part of EMVCo are mandating EMV, eg: RuPay in India Smaller schemes can join EMVCo and obtain AIDs etc. they need to operate as an EMV Scheme
Their Position Fully committed to EMV based technology Supporting the move to EMV, licencing their EMV processes, technology etc. Incorporating new innovations into EMV.
Undeveloped Areas (Cash) Adoption of electronic payments methods being pursued across the world. Supported by World Bank, Development Banks, and Governments Foundations like Gates and Soros supporting this move EMV is a base part of the whole process
The Affects on You, Bank, Processor, PSP All are now subject to: Scheme Mandates Refusal to use magnetic stripe only systems New certifications Mandates to use NFC etc. Which means upgrades to: Software ATM’s, POS, ePOS etc. Certifications rules etc. Processes, procedures etc. etc.