Conjugating Latin Verbs Imperfect and Future Tenses Latin I Grammar Lesson
Review of Terms 1st P.P: 1st person singular, present tense 2nd P.P. present infinitive; present stem 3rd P.P. 1st person singular, perfect tense; perfect active stem 4th P.P. perfect passive participle
The Formula to Present System Basic formula to form present tense Pres. Stem + Tense Sign + Personal Endings Present Stem formed by removing the “re” from the 2nd P.P. amo, amāre, amavi, amatus – a, um amāre (-) “re” ama- Present Stem = amā
Forming the Present Stem Find the present stem for the following verbs navigo, navigāre, navigavi, navigatus– a, um laudo, laudāre, laudavi, laudatus – a, um dono, donāre, donavi, donatus– a, um nuntio, nuntiāre, nuntiavi, nuntiatus– a, um
The Tenses… Imperfect Tense – indicates a past action not yet completed Tense Sign = “ba” Translation = was/were…
The Tenses… Future Tense – indicates an action yet to occur Tense Sign = “bo/bi/bu” Translation = shall/will
Personal Endings Singular -o/m (I) -s (you) -t (he, she, it) Plural -mus (we) -tis (y’all) -nt (they)
First Conjugation Verbs: Imperfect Tense amo, amāre, amavi, amatus – a, um Present Stem = amā- Present Stem + ba + Personal Endings ama+ba+m amā+ba+mus amā+ba+s amā+ba+tis amā+ba+t amā+ba+nt
Imperfect Tense English Translation English Helping Verbs: “was/were” amabam I was loving amabas you were loving amabat she was loving amabamus we were loving amabatis y’all were loving amabant they were loving
First Conjugation Verbs: Future Tense amo, amāre, amavi, amatus – a, um Stem = amā- Present Stem + bo/bi/bu + Pers. Endings ama+bo amā+bi+mus amā+bi+s amā+bi+tis amā+bi+t amā+bu+nt
Future Tense English Translation English Helping Verbs: “shall/will” amabo I shall love amabis you will love amabit she will love amabimus we shall love amabitis y’all will love amabunt they will love