The Hebrews Diet: Grains = wheat and barley Bread = basic nourishment Vegetables: lentils, beans, and cucumbers Flavoring: onions, leeks, and garlic Fruit: figs, dates, grapes, and pomegranates Oil: olives Meat: goat and sheep; fish if you lived by sea Reserved for special occasions Milk: goat Sweet: honey Salt: preservative Drink: water and wine
Fashion Materials: linen, wool, or goats hair Clothing: a loin cloth and a tunic that went to their ankles Shoes: made from animal hide and drawn together with cords Removed indoors
Lifestyle Nomadic - lived in tents and traveled from location to location in search of water and pastures for their livestock members in a family Patriarchal society: the eldest, male member was the leader Tents: Divided into male and female sections Wealth: measured by size of flocks and herds
Religion Polytheistic El - the chief god Asherah - the wife of El Baal - the god of rain
We are studying their sacred writings.
Why was this land so significant? Canaan is the land promised to the Hebrews by God It was the center of the major trade route between Egypt and Mesopotamia How did this trade route come to be?
Crescent shaped area of fertile land in the otherwise dry Middle East. Please, shade this region in on your maps.
Geography matters: Israel was always in the midst of conquest, and their depiction of God as a warrior reflects that notion.
Timeline – 1850 BC and 70 BC The Hebrew Scriptures covers the time period roughly between 1850 BC and 70 BC When?
Why might it be important for us to study this material?
Nations/Empires Egypt Israel Mesopotamia Hittite Empire Assyria Cities Jerusalem Ur of the Chaldeans Babylon Bethel Bodies of Water/Other Regions Red Sea Babylonia Nile River Euphrates River Mediterranean Sea Tigris River Canaan Sinai Work with your Noami Partners Highlight or fill in the following nations and bodies of water