KRCI Grow in Christ Miracle Life Power Bible School 23 June 2015
KRCI Be strong and vigorous in the truth Colossians 2:7 Grow in Christ
KRCI Created to become like Christ Let us make human beings in our image and likeness Gen 1:26 To the likeness of his son Romans 8:29 He is the image of the invisible God Col 1:15
KRCI God’s image Spiritual being Immortal Will outlast our earthly bodies Intellectual Can think Reason Solve problems Relational Give and receive real Love Moral consciousness We can discern right from wrong which makes us accountable to God
KRCI Part of the image of God Psalms 139:13-16, James 3:9 Image is incomplete, damaged and distorted by sin What does the world think of murder and abortion ? God sent His son on a mission to restore the full image
KRCI Image and Likeness It looks like Jesus Christ 2 Corinthians 4:4 Hebrews 1:3 Colossians 1:15
KRCI Like Father Like Son To be like God… true Righteous and Holiness… Ephesians 4:24 You will never become a god Lie of Satan - Gen 3:5 Control our circumstance ?? Control our future ?? Control people around us ?? NO Take on His values, attitudes and character Eph 4:22
KRCI God’s ultimate Goal for our life Not comfort but character development. Grow up spiritually and become like Christ
KRCI How do I grow? 1.BeatitudesMat 5: Fruit of the Spirit Gal 5: Love1 Cor Productive Life 2 Pet 1:5-8 Earth is not heaven. Life is suppose to be difficult. You will wonder “Why is this happening to me ?” What you face will make you grow
KRCI Misinterpretation of Abundant Life ? 1.Perfect health 2.Comfortable life style 3.Constant happiness 4.Realization of your dreams 5.Instant relief from problems through prayer of faith God is not a genie who simply exists to serve your selfish pursuit of personal fulfillment.
KRCI Life is not about you 1.God gives us time on earth to build and strengthen our character for heaven 2.He has planned the real thing in eternity You exist for God’s purpose
KRCI Build and strengthen our character It is the Holy Spirit’s work to produce Christ like character in you. 2 Cor 3:18, Phil 2:13, Col 1:27
KRCI Build and strengthen our character We think “Power of the Holy Spirit” is the miraculous demonstration and intense emotions But it could be quiet, unassuming ways that you aren’t even aware or can’t feel. 1 Kings 19:12
KRCI How do we Allow Christ to live in us? Through the choices we make Choose to do the right thing in situations and then trust God’s spirit to give us His Power, Love, Faith & Wisdom Since God’s spirit lives in us it is possible
KRCI How do I grow? 1.Cooperate with the Holy Spirit of God 2.God uses His Word, people and circumstances to mold us 3.Becoming like Christ is a long, slow process of growth
KRCI 1. Cooperate with the Holy Spirit Take a step of faith Obedience unlocks God’s power Joshua 3:13-17
KRCI Cooperate with the Holy Spirit God waits for you to act first Move ahead in your weakness Doing the right thing in spite of fears and feelings This is how you develop your character
KRCI Spiritual Growth SeedSeed must be planted and cultivated BuildingBuilding must be built – they don’t just appear ChildChildeat and exercise to grow These require active participation
KRCI Make every effort Luke 13:24Luke 13:24 Romans 14:19Romans 14:19 Ephesians 4:3Ephesians 4:3 2 Timothy 2:152 Timothy 2:15 Hebrews 4:11, 12:14Hebrews 4:11, 12:14 2 Peter 1:5, 2 Peter 3:142 Peter 1:5, 2 Peter 3:14 You don’t just sit around and wait to happen
KRCI 3 Responsibilities Eph 4: Choose to let go of old ways 2.Change the way we think. 2.Change the way we think. Romans 12:2, 2 Cor 3:18 3.Put on the new character of Christ. (new Godly habits) Caterpillar to butterfly
KRCI Your character is essentially the sum of your habits Ephesians 4:24 We are changed from inside out
KRCI 2.Word, People and Circumstances Word - Word - Provides the truth we need People - Provide the support Circumstances - Provide the environment we need to practice Christ likeness. If you study and apply God’s Word, connect regularly with other believers, and learn to trust God in difficult circumstances You will become more like Christ
KRCI 2.Word, People and Circumstances We might think that all that we need is Bible study and prayer. But some issues in life will be changed only through people He usually prefers to work through people rather than perform miracles We will depend on each other for Fellowship. He wants us to grow together
KRCI You cannot grow to Christ likeness in isolation Grow in Christ You need to be a part of a church and a community
KRCI True spiritual maturity is to Love like Jesus, you cannot do it without having people around you Grow in Christ Remember its all about Love – Loving God and loving others
KRCI 3. Long slow process of growth Spiritual maturity is : Gradual and Progressive It might take the rest of your life. Ephesians 4:13 You are a work in progress 1 John 3:2
KRCI 3. Long slow process of growth Whatever you do you do in a Christ like manner. 1 Cor 10:31 1 Cor 16:14 Col 3:17, 23 Romans 12:2
KRCI We are human beings not human doings God is more interested in your character than your career You will take your character into eternity not the career Don’t get adjusted to your culture Make a counter culture decision to focus on becoming more like Jesus Otherwise culture might mold into their image He wants us to make us like himself before he takes us to heaven Conclusion