Todays learning outcome I can identify background information and vocabulary to better understand “Flowers for Algernon”.
Responding questions ► What is intelligence? Think:20- write :45- pair :30- share ► Can a person be too smart? Think:20- write :45- pair :30- share ► What is meant by the saying “ignorance is bliss? Do you agree with it? Think:20- write :45- pair :30- share
The Rorschach test (also known as the Rorschach inkblot test or simply the Inkblot test) is a psychological test in which subjects' perceptions of inkblots are recorded and then analyzed using psychological interpretation, complex scientifically derived algorithms, or both. Some psychologists use this test to examine a person's personality characteristics and emotional functioning. It has been employed to detect an underlying thought disorder, especially in cases where patients are reluctant to describe their thinking processes openly. The test takes its name from that of its creator, Swiss psychologist Hermann Rorschach. psychological testinkblotspsychologicalalgorithmsthought disorder Hermann Rorschachpsychological testinkblotspsychologicalalgorithmsthought disorder Hermann Rorschach
When seeing card I, subjects often inquire on how they should proceed, and questions on what they are allowed to do with the card (e.g. turning it) are not very significant. Being the first card, it can provide clues about how subjects tackle a new and stressful task. It is not, however, a card that is usually difficult for the subject to handle, having readily available popular responses.
Card I bat, butterfly, moth
Card IV is notable for its dark color and its shading (posing difficulties for depressed subjects), and is generally perceived as a big and sometimes threatening figure; compounded with the common impression of the subject being in an inferior position ("looking up") to it, this serves to elicit a sense of authority. The human or animal content seen in the card is almost invariably classified as male rather than female, and the qualities expressed by the subject may indicate attitudes toward men and authority.
Card IV animal hide, skin, rug
animal: not dog or cat; four-legged animal ► People often express relief about card VIII, which lets them relax and respond effectively. Similar to card V, it represents a "change of pace"; however, the card introduces new elaboration difficulties, being complex and the first multi-colored card in the set. Therefore, people who find processing complex situations or emotional stimuli distressing or difficult may be uncomfortable with this card.
“Flowers for Algernon” IQ March pp. 190 – 215 IQ Scale Over Genius or almost genius Very superior intelligence Superior intelligence Average or normal intelligence Dullness Borderline deficiency in intelligence Under 70 - Feeble-mindedness Normal Distribution of IQ Scores 50% of IQ scores fall between 90 and % of IQ scores fall between 85 and % of IQ scores fall between 70 and % of IQ scores fall between 60 and 140
“Flowers for Algernon” IQ March pp. 190 – 215 Low IQ & Mental Retardation An IQ under 70 is considered as "mental retardation" or limited mental ability. 5% of the population falls below 70 on IQ tests. The severity of the mental retardation is commonly broken into 4 levels: Mild mental retardation (85%) Moderate mental retardation (10%) Severe mental retardation (4%) IQ < 20 - Profound mental retardation (1%) High IQ & Genius IQ Genius or near-genius IQ is considered to start around 140 to 145. Less than 1/4 of 1 percent fall into this category. Here are some common designations on the IQ scale: Above average Gifted Very gifted Genius High genius Highest genius
Vocabulary from context ► Now turn your paper over and use the context of the words to guess at their meaning. ► Then we will look at the real definition and you will either write down the actual definition if you didn’t know it or use the word in an original sentence that demonstrates your understanding.
Opportunist ► Opportunists often try to grab credit for someone else’s idea. ► Noun ► a person who takes advantage of any opportunity, without moral regard, to achieve a goal
Shrew ► The mean old woman down the street was a shrew. ► Noun ► an unpleasant woman who always argues and disagrees with people
Sensation ► One sign of a heart attack is a tingling sensation in the left arm. ► Noun ► a feeling that you get from one of your five senses, especially the sense of touch
Tangible ► Dr. Nemur sought tangible recognition of his work in the form of fame and better salary offers ► Adj ► able to be seen, touched, or understood
Specialization ► To perform Charlie’s delicate operation, the surgeon had to be someone with a specialization in brain surgery. ► Noun ► limiting one’s interests or activities to one particular subject
Absurd ► The man’s mullet was absurd. ► Adj ► Completely stupid or unreasonable
Vacuous ► The kid’s vacuous expression showed he wasn’t very bright. ► Adj ► showing no intelligence or having no useful purpose
Naïveté ► The country bumpkin showed his naiveté when he went to the big city. ► Adj ► not having much experience of how complicated life is
Regression ► The boy regressed when his little sister was born. ► Noun ► the act of returning to an earlier condition that is worse or less developed
Impair ► The illness had impaired his ability to think and concentrate ► Verb ► to damage something or make it not as good as it should be
Syndrome ► Stockholm Syndrome is when a person who is kidnapped shows loyalty to the kidnapper. ► Noun ► an illness which consists of a set of physical or mental problems
Statistically ► Statistically, 50% of new businesses fail in their first year. ► adverb ► A set of numbers which represent facts or measurements
Hypothesis ► The idea that Sasquatch is real is only a hypothesis. ► Noun ► Idea or guess about something that has yet to be proven
Proportional ► The mans head was not proportional to his body ► Adj ► In the correct or most suitable relationship to it in size, amount, importance
Introspective ► The eighth grader sat alone and was very deep and introspective. ► Adj ► tending to think deeply about your own thoughts, feelings, or behavior