By Casey Cottrill
Counselor program Character Development during Good Morning Meetings.
This program will provide 5 DVD’s and teaching guides to educate students in kindergarten about getting along with others. The five topics include: Control Anger Work Out Conflict Learn To Listen Bullying Prejudice
Groark becomes angry at own mistakes He destroys others things Friends become angry and nearly comes to blows Consults school children for advice Uses advice to control anger and makes up with friends
Groark has disagreement with friend Behavior quickly leads to problem Frustrated and angry, Groark turns to group of real children He learns a. stay calm b. talk about disagreement with other person c. listen to other's point of view d. look for solution that makes both happy Groark and his friend resolve conflict
Failure to listen to ideas and concerns upsets friends Causes misunderstandings Results in being injured Groark turns to a group of real children for help Groark asks for a second chance
Burna and Muggsy start teasing and picking on Nubbs Groark gets drawn in and is picking on his best friend Nubbs calls Groark a bully Groark doesn't understand what happened He learns from a group of real children about being bullies Groark, Burna and Muggsy have been cruel and unfair Together they apologize
Burna convinces the others not to invite the new kid in school because he is "different." Groark learns that Burna doesn't even know the new kid Real elementary school children share lesson in prejudice They discuss how people treat others unfairly because of differences like size, age, gender, race, ethnicity and national origin Important not to pre-judge people Groark takes lesson in prejudice back to his friends and decide to invite the new kid
Use some of the bullying situations listed in discussion section Children role play or use puppets to act out effective ways to handle situations Have children write down bullying situation on paper Make list of situations on board and discuss ways to handle situations Use puppets to act out situations
With younger students, following recess or lunchtime, have students identify situations observed where bullying occurred List situations on chart paper and date Discuss ways to handle situations Continue this each day for a week Observe if there are less number of situations
Send home parent note Have students discuss video Make a list of ways not to bully and post
Popcorn Park: GETTING ALONG with GROARK (dvd) Five DVD Series with Teaching Guides Special Series Price $ Popcorn Park: GETTING ALONG with GROARK (dvd)