DG AGRI Seminar on Simplification 16 October 2007 Simplification of the CAP Keys to future success
2 CAP simplification Why is the CAP complex? heterogeneous conditions market intervention political compromises
3 CAP simplification Objectives Lisbon agenda: Better Regulation better use of EU funds public acceptance
4 CAP simplification Limits policy objectives protection of EU financial interests (controls)
5 CAP simplification Target groups farmers, operators, other stakeholders public administrations
6 CAP simplification Steps: Communication of 19 October 2005 Simplification experts group meetings Simplification conference 3/4 October 2006 Simplification seminar 16 October 2007 i.e. Joint meeting of Simplification experts group (Member States) and Advisory Committee (stakeholders)
7 CAP simplification Two sides of one coin Technical simplification Political simplification
8 CAP simplification ‘Technical simplification’ (i.e. within a constant policy framework) -> implies revision of the legal framework, administrative procedures and management mechanisms to achieve streamlining and greater cost-effectiveness and attain existing policy objectives more effectively, without changing the underlying policies.
9 CAP simplification Technical simplification Action plan: - « rolling plan » - input by Member States and stakeholders - 37 measures (more to follow) Single CMO
10 CAP simplification Study on administrative burden related to direct payments - targeted at farmers - five Member States analysed - different models of implementation
11 CAP simplification ‘Political simplification’ ->reduces complexity through improvements to the agricultural support and rural development policy instruments. It may be described as ‘policy development with simplification implications’. Impact assessment has a particular role to play here.
12 CAP simplification Political simplification Cross compliance report Policy reforms (fruit and vegetables, wine) Health check 2008
13 Key to future success of the CAP Simplification ? Dialogue with all CAP actors Keep an open mind identify bottlenecks adapt/change/remove current legislation SIMPLER LEGISLATION
14 Possible ways forward Horizontal rules and further harmonization : limit the number of specific sectoral approaches by mapping out a general line and bringing everything under one roof simpler more accessible clearer
15 Subsidiarity: increase the role of Member States; rather than prescribing complex solutions at Community level, focus on a general approach and leave fine tuning to Member States simpler more accessible clearer + avoiding doubling-up of national and Community rules Possible ways forward
16 Self-regulation and co-regulation: the legislator could regulate from a distance and leave decisions on certain matters, such as marketing standards, to producers and economic operators. simpler More accessible clearer + better adapted to the actors’ need? Possible ways forward
17 Possible ways forward Changing rules with a view to reducing administrative burdens simpler more accessible clearer + better adapted to the actors ’ needs? + More cost-effective?
18 Key to future success of CAP simplification ? Four theories to discuss with you today via two workshops !
19 Workshop 1 Horizontal rules: is this simplification? SINGLE CMO Fewer pages and articles Easier to access and understand More transparent More consistent Good basis for further policy development
20 Workshop 1 Horizontal rules: is this simplification? Advantages and disadvantages of horizontal legislation compared to sectoral legislation?
21 Workshop 2 Marketing standards and labelling How do we improve policies on marketing standards whilst simplifying the rules? How to strike a balance between regulating and optimising benefits for consumers and producers ?
22 Key to future success of CAP simplification ? We need your ideas!