Size Is Everything Be Safe Or Fail The Kitchen is Where It’s At What’s Cookin’ Good Lookin’? Do You Take This Recipe, In Sickness or In Health?
These are used to measure a larger amount of non-liquids
What is a dry measure?
qt is the abbreviation used for measuring this amount of liquid
What is a quart?
This measuring practice is used when accurately measuring shortening or butter
What is the water displacement method of measuring?
250 mL of sugar doubled
How much is 500 mL of sugar?
DAILY DOUBLE This number of mL is the same as 1 cup
How much is 240 mL?
This range of temperature is where bacteria grows quickly
What is the Danger Zone or 4 – 60 degrees Celsius?
Cover it or put baking soda on it
What do you do with a grease fire?
The process of moving bacteria from one surface or object to another
What is cross-contamination?
The length of time that food can be stored and still maintain its quality
What is Shelf Life?
DAILY DOUBLE Two other terms that go hand in hand with Clean and Chill
What are Cook and Separate
I would use this knife when attempting to take the skin off an apple
What is a paring knife?
This is where you can find cook books in the kitchen
What is the Planning Centre
This appliance cuts up fruit and vegetables into small pieces
What is a Food Processor?
Cheese, fruit, eggs and meat are examples of this
What are Perishable food items?
DAILY DOUBLE You will find cleaning supplies, a dish rack and dish cloths in this work centre
What is a sink centre?
Throughout the entire lab, it is very important to do this
What is clean as you go?
This is used to melt chocolate and other ingredients that burn over direct heat
What is a double boiler?
This technique mixes flour with the dough and allows for a more consistent product
What is kneading?
These are found in kitchen 4 in a drawer under the island
What are the aprons?
This process is used with a brush to gently coat the food before it goes in the oven
What is basting?
These are three different ways that a recipe can be written
What are Standard, Active and Narrative Recipes
DAILY DOUBLE Norivirus is also called this
What is Norwalk virus?
Maple Leaf Foods experienced the wrath of this type of food poisoning
What is Listeriosis?
A utensil or small appliance that is used to vigorously stir ingredients together
What is a beater or electric mixer?
DAILY DOUBLE This tells you how much of an item that is produced
What is a yield?