Review: God’s Vision for 2013 “A Season of Healing” Malachi 4:2.


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Presentation transcript:

Review: God’s Vision for 2013 “A Season of Healing” Malachi 4:2

Review: God’s Vision for 2013 Malachi 4:2 – “The Son of Righteousness shall arise with healing in His wings…”

Review: God’s Vision for 2013 Healing within and ministry without is not an “either/or” proposition. It is a “both/and” proposition.

The Urgent Need… People in general are: alienated disconnected alone hurting Inside & outside the church !

Why don’t people go to church? (USA Today 1/23/08) 72% affirm belief in a generic “god” 1 in 5 or 22% do not attend church – Highest % ever 86% say they can have a good relationship w/ God & not go to church.

Why don’t people go to church? (USA Today 1/23/08) 79% say Christianity has become more about organized religion rather than loving God & loving people 44% say “Christians get on my nerves.”

Why don’t people go to church? (Tom Shultz Blog 7/11/12) “Church people judge me.” “I don’t want to be lectured.” “They’re a bunch of hypocrites.” “I don’t want religion, I just want God.”

The Urgent Need… 79% say Christianity has become more about organized religion rather than loving God & loving people Church is not seen as relevant to vital needs!

“ The Never Alone Church” Mark 12:28-34

God’s Vision for 2013 “The Never Alone Church” Mark 12:28-38 I.Loving God – vs (Vertical Relationship)

I.Loving God – vs aspects: “ With all your…” A.Heart B.Soul C.Mind D.Strength Everything you have!

God’s Vision for 2013 “The Never Alone Church” Mark 12:28-38 II.Loving Others – vs. 31 (Horizontal Relationships)

II.Loving Others – vs. 31 We are missing the mark in church… 53% of church attending youth feel alone, in trouble or in crisis.

II.Loving Others – vs. 31 We are missing the mark in church… 50% of church youth say they are “stressed out” 55 % say they are confused

II.Loving Others – vs. 31 We are missing the mark in church… 44 % of church youth do not believe church is relevant to their lives!

II.Loving Others – vs. 31 We are missing the mark in church… Adults are also lonely, stressed out, and confused 74% of Christian adults claim church is not sensitive to their needs!

II.Loving Others – vs. 31 One simple command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.”

What does loving others need to look like at CBC? 10 Vital Relationship Needs – (Keys to loving others like we love ourselves) (David Ferguson – “The Never Alone Church”)

10 Vital Relationship Needs 1.Comfort – Giving strength & hope Easing grief or pain, empathy Consoling

10 Vital Relationship Needs 1.Comfort – 2 nd Cor. 1:3-4 “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort,

Vs. 4 who comforts us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort those who are in any trouble, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.

10 Vital Relationship Needs When the need goes unmet… When people do not receive comfort for emotional hurts, inner healing & spiritual growth are often hindered.

10 Vital Relationship Needs 2.Attention (Care) Taking interest in others w/ concern, entering another’s world Key Vs. 1 st Cor. 12:25-26

1 st Cor. 12:25-26 “…but that the members should have the same care for one another. 26 if one member suffers, all the members suffer with it; or if one member is honored, all the members rejoice with it.”

10 Vital Relationship Needs When the need goes unmet… When people do not receive sufficient attention they may loose their sense of being important to others.

10 Vital Relationship Needs 3.Acceptance – Deliberate & ready reception regardless of appearance Welcoming others willingly & including them

10 Vital Relationship Needs 3.Acceptance – Key Vs. Rom. 15:7 “Therefore, receive one another, just as Christ also received us to the glory of God.”

10 Vital Relationship Needs When the need goes unmet… When people do not receive acceptance they may not understand their worth in the Father’s eyes.

10 Vital Relationship Needs 4.Appreciation – Recognizing w/ gratitude Expressing personal gratefulness for another Praising

10 Vital Relationship Needs 4.Appreciation – Key Vs. 1 st Cor. 11:2 “Now I praise you brethren, that you remember me in all things…” Rom. 1:8 “I thank God for you all, that your faith is spoken of throughout…”

10 Vital Relationship Needs When the need goes unmet… When people are not properly appreciated they may struggle with feelings of insignificance.

10 Vital Relationship Needs 5.Support – Coming alongside & gently helping w/ problems. Assisting Providing for another in need

10 Vital Relationship Needs 5.Support – Key Vs. Gal. 6:2 “Bear one another’s burdens, and this way you fulfill the law of Christ. ”

10 Vital Relationship Needs When the need goes unmet… When people do not receive our support they may feel overwhelmed & hopeless.

10 Vital Relationship Needs When these needs go unmet… The bottom line is hurt & hurting people hurt other people!

10 Vital Relationship Needs But when these needs are met… It revolutionizes our walk with Christ & we are healed. Out of our love for Him we are able to love others like we love ourselves.

10 Vital Relationship Needs But when these needs are met… Church becomes relevant because we are truly loving God & loving others!

God’s Vision for 2013: That these 10 vital relationship needs would be met in & through the family of God at Calvary Baptist Church. That we become “The Never Alone Church”

God’s Promise to us: Philippians 4:19 “And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” This includes not just physical needs, but these relational needs also!

What is your need today? 1. Comfort 2.Attention 3.Acceptance 4.Appreciation 5.Support 6.Encouragement 7.Affection 8.Respect 9.Security 10. Approval