Qualifications & Credit Framework, Progression Pathways and Employability
Aims to develop a regulated credit and qualifications framework for England, Wales and NI Simple and rational organising structure for units and qualifications Reforms the National Qualifications Framework Capable of supporting the accumulation of credit over time What is the Qualifications and Credit Framework?
Recognise a wider range of achievements within a more inclusive National Qualifications Framework Establish a framework more responsive to learner and employer needs Simpler qualifications framework that is easier for all users to understand Reduce burden of bureaucracy in the accreditation and assessment of qualifications Aims of QCF
Unit based qualifications can be located Achievements are recognised and recorded through the award of credits and qualifications Level and size of achievements can be easily identified Accumulation and transfer of credits supported Learners have the maximum flexibility and range of opportunities to progress Learners receive recognition for their achievements Purpose of QCF – to provide a flexible and simple structure within which:
Has capacity to recognise all types of quality assured assessment by all types of learner Can support systems to recognise achievement at all levels, in all sectors and subjects and at all ages Has the capacity to include learner achievements across England, Wales and NI Regulated qualifications and learning achievements valued and needed by employers that currently lie both inside and outside the QCF Scope of QCF
Nine levels from Entry level to Level 8 Level descriptors produced for the QCF to promote shared understanding of each level and consistency for units All units and qualifications have a level Level of qualifications in the QCF determined by the levels and credit values of the units required to achieve the qualification Levels in the QCF
Each has a unique title that includes the level, an indication of the content and size. Each has a set of rules of combination that specifies credits to be achieved for qualification to be awarded Each is submitted to relevant SSC for approval based on vocational content, special rules or additional requirements for award of qualification Qualifications
Title Award Certificate Diploma Credit Value From 1 – 12 From 13 – and above Qualification sizes
A programme of work to develop a more focussed and strategic approach to Entry Level and Level 1 for learners aged 14 and over in order to raise participation, achievement and progression Development of programmes of learning that deliver progression pathways, supported by units and qualifications from QCF FLT is not a title used for programmes or qualifications What is the Foundation Learning Tier?
Progression Pathways There are four Pathways which will lead to: First Full Level Two Qualification Apprenticeships Independent living or supported employment Foundation (Level One) Diploma or GCSEs
ITQ Units in the QCF All awarding bodies use the same ITQ units at Levels 1, 2 and 3 Units developed and managed by E-Skills UK ICT units relate directly to the National Occupational Standards All ICT content within qualifications will be delivered through ITQ units QCF ICT units contribute towards the ITQ at Levels 1, 2 and 3 Units can be gained across a range of qualifications to contribute towards the e-skills Passport NOCN have ICT units at Entry 3 in the QCF
ITQ for Life An E-Skills UK initiative to develop innovative ways of using ICT to deliver Skills for Life A unit based combination of Literacy, Numeracy, Personal and Social Development delivered using ICT as a curriculum topic Mapped to emerging functional skills units Achieved using existing qualifications at Entry Level and Level 1 Supported by an accredited OCN CPD programme for tutors
NOCN - ITQ for Life Identified and supported by e-skills UK NOCN Entry Level Certificate in Adult Numeracy NOCN Level 1 Certificate in Adult Literacy NOCN Level 1 Certificate in Progression (including prescribed ITQ units at Level 1 mapped to functional skills) Delivered as a coherent course using ICT as the curriculum content
Introduction to Selecting Information Using the Internet 3 Entry Level Credits Demonstrating Speaking And Listening Skills 3 Credits Using Reading for Meaning 3 Credits Personal Budgeting And Money Management 3 Credits Personal Career Planning 3 Credits Preparation for Work 3 Credits Understanding a Work Experience Placement 3 Entry Level Credits Qualification Title: Level 1 Certificate in Skills Towards Enabling Progression (Step-Up) QCF Course Title: Developing Skills for Employment
Developing own Interpersonal Skills 3 Credit Introduction to Selecting Information Using Internet 3 Credits Entry Personal Career Planning 3 Credit Using Reading for Meaning 3 credit Introduction to Understanding Self and Others 3 Credit Personal Budgeting and Money Management 3 Credit Qualification Title: Level 1 Diploma in Skills Towards Enabling Progression (Step-Up) QCF Course Title: Employability Skills 351 GLH Spiky profile 39 Credits
Database Software 4 Credits Level 1 Core Skills Health and Safety Awareness 1 Credit Entry Level Understanding a Work Experience Placement 3 Credits Entry Level Use IT to Exchange Information 3 Credits Level 1 Core Skills Operate a computer 4 Credits Level 1 Core Skills Qualification Title: NOCN Level 1 Certificate in Progression QCF Course Title: ICT Skills for the Workplace 189 GLH Spreadsheet Software 4 credits Level 1 Core Skills Internet and Intranets 2 credits Level 1 Optional 21 Credits Spiky profile
Introduction Teamwork Skills 3 Credits Qualification Title: Entry Level Certificate in Skills Towards Enabling Progression (Step-Up) QCF Course Title: Introduction to Planting Containers Speaking and Listening: Engage in Discussion 3 credits Introduction to Garden Horticulture 3 credits Introduction to Using ICT Systems 3 credits Introduction to Planting a Container 3 credits 150 GLH 15 Credits
Linda Wyatt - Tel: Mobile: Suzanne Jones – Tel: Tel: Contact Details