Abira Khan
Changes in host cell structure 1.Cell rounding, detachment from substrate 2.Cell lysis 3.Syncytium formation 4.Inclusion body formation Cell injury Direct/secondary effects of viral replication Adeno virus penton protein
Binding to cell surface receptor- Non/Specific for cell/species Entry into host cell 1.Surface fusion 2.Endocytosis
Inhibition of cellular transcription Stimulation of cellular RNA polymerase 1. Stimulatory factor in virion- HSV 2. Modifying host cell TFs- Adenoviral E1A 3. Induction/expression of a new DNA binding protein- Retroviral AP-1
RNA splicing and transport to cytoplasm Influenza Adenoviral E1B, E4 Regulation of RNA maturation
Inhibition of host translation 1. Degradation of host mRNA- HSV 2. Competition for host translational apparatus Changing the specificity of the host translational apparatus Host response to viral infection Viral defense against host response Translational frameshifting Suppression of translational termination
Inhibition of host cell DNA replication 1. Secondary effect of host cell protein synthesis inhibition 2. Displacement of cellular DNA from normal site of replication- HSV 3. Using host cell DNA replication proteins to viral structures 4. Cellular DNA degradation- Poxvirus Addition of viral proteins to replication apparatus- SV40 T Ag Virus encoding new replicase complex Virus encoding a new replication apparatus Maintenance of viral DNA within host cell
Utilization of host cell pathways 1. Protein targeting mechanism 2. Protein modification
Effects on cell membrane 1. Promotion of cell fusion 2. Altering plasma membrane permeability Interaction with cell cytoskeleton 1. Depolymerization- VSV, HSV 2. Incorporation of cytoskeletal components into infected cell structures 3. Interaction of viral molecules 4. Effects of virus on mRNA association with cytoskeleton Assembly of factories for virion DNA replication & assembly
Depends on structure of virus Apical and basal surface of epithelial cells Release of progeny virus initiates another cycle
Fundamental Virology- Fields- 2 nd Edition