RELATIVE AND ABSOLUTE CELL REFERENCING A relative cell reference is when we reference a cell as shown below: C3 Absolute cell reference is when we reference a cell in the format as shown below: $C$3 We use the absolute cell referencing when we need to use the autofill property and we want to keep the same cell reference of a formulae. Ms Jennifer Spreadsheets
EXAMPLE OF ABSOLUTE CELL REFERENCING Example: We want to calculate the VAT of each value from C3 to C7. The VAT ( 15% ) is entered in cell C9. We want to use the autofill property to fill the formulae series. Therefore we write the formula as shown below: =C3*$C$9 …and after we use the autofill property to fill the formulae series. C3 will change accordingly to C4, C5, etc., BUT C9 will remain the same. Ms Jennifer Spreadsheets
SCENARIO From a class of 30 students, we want to see who has passed and who has failed. The pass mark is 50, therefore the students who achieved a mark of 50 or higher passed, but the others failed. We want that our spreadsheet shows clearly who has passed and who has failed in a separate column with a “PASS” or “FAIL” word beside each student. How can we do this in a spreadsheet? Ms Jennifer Spreadsheets
THE IF FUNCTION The function: =IF(B2>=50,"PASS", "FAIL") The active cell We can place a condition statement where students who got 50 or more passed and those who got less than 50 failed. Can anyone write this condition on the whiteboard? Ms Jennifer Spreadsheets
THE IF FUNCTION The function: =IF(B4>=50,C4*3%,0) The active cell We are the business owners of ‘Simply the Best’ Company Ltd. We hired some sales staff to sell digital games to our clients and we want to give a special commission to those that sell more than 50 digital games per week. How do we do this? Ms Jennifer Spreadsheets
ARITHMETIC FUNCTIONS Functions, like formulas, are used to perform numerical calculations. Arithmetic functions are used to calculate addition, find the average, maximum and minimum numbers, and to calculate the number of cells in one column, row or referenced cells. Ms Jennifer Spreadsheets
THE SUM FUNCTION In formulas we learnt to calculate the sum using the plus symbol ‘+’ for each referenced cell. We can instead use the function sum to calculate the addition of the referenced cells (selected cells). Example: =sum(C3:C7) The colon ‘:’ is used to indicate that all the content of cells between C3 and C7 will be calculated. Ms Jennifer Spreadsheets
THE MIN AND MAX FUNCTIONS The minimum (min) function is used to find the smallest number in a cell range. The maximum (max) function is used to find the largest number in a cell range. Example: =min(C3:C7) Example: =max(C3:C7) Ms Jennifer Spreadsheets
THE AVERAGE FUNCTION The average function is used to find the average number of a cell range. Therefore instead of using the total cost and divide it with the amount of items, MS Excel average function will do that for you. Example: =average(C3:C7) Ms Jennifer Spreadsheets
THE COUNT AND COUNTA FUNCTIONS The count function is used to calculate the amount of cells in a cell range that contain only numerical values. The count function will ignore the blank cells. Example: =count(C3:C7) Example: =count(C3:C7,1) The counta function is used to calculate the amount of cells in a cell range including text, symbols and numbers. The counta function will also ignore the blank cells. Example: =counta(C3:C7) Ms Jennifer Spreadsheets
FORMAT CELLS: NUMBERS AND DATES From the previous example we want to format the Sales column and add the euro symbol to it. We also want to add a column with the date of entry in our spreadsheet. Ms Jennifer Spreadsheets
HOW DO I FORMAT CELLS? Go to home page Click on the cell that you want to format. Go to the Number drop down list and choose the euro symbol from the currency menu. Note: you can format the cell/s with percent, comma, decimal places, also. Note: that you can choose a format category from the drop down list and click on the dialog launcher Ms Jennifer Spreadsheets
WHAT ABOUT THE DATE? Select Date from the Category list and click on the dialog launcher. The Format Cells window appears: Choose the date format that you want to display. Ms Jennifer Spreadsheets