Performance Reporting Nuances Kristen Milstead, Ph.D. Workforce Analyst Department of Labor, ETA.


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Presentation transcript:

Performance Reporting Nuances Kristen Milstead, Ph.D. Workforce Analyst Department of Labor, ETA

Goals of the Session 0 Understanding the “reporting flow” 0 Participant “exit points” from TAACCCT reporting 0 Understanding what and how to report in the various education-related outcomes 0 Understanding the scenarios under which a participant can count as having been placed into employment

#3 Participants and Their TAACCCT “Exit Points”

What is a Reporting “Exit Point?” 0 A point at which a participant will no longer be counted for reporting purposes in your APR in most outcomes* *There is one exception for incumbent workers

TAACCCT Enrollee (B.1) Completed TAACCCT Program (B.2) Goes on to Further Educatio n (B.7) EXIT POINT Goes on to Employment (counts in quarter after quarter of college exit only, for non- incumbent workers) (B.8) Retained in Employment (B.9) EXIT POINT Number of TAACCC T Credit Hours Complet ed (B.5) Number of Earned TAACCCT Degrees/ Credential s (B.6) Certifica tes < 1 year) (B.6a) Certific ates > 1 year) (B.6b) Degre es (B.6c) Received a Wage Increase Post- Enrollme nt (incumbe nt workers only) (B.10) Still Enrolled in TAACCCT Program (B.3) Number of TAACCCT Credit Hours Completed (B.5) Received a Wage Increase Post- Enrollment (incumbent workers only) (B.10) Still Enrolled in non-TAACCCT Program (B.4) EXIT POINT Number of TAACCCT Credit Hours Complete d (B.5) Received a Wage Increase Post- Enrollme nt (incumbe nt workers only) (B.10) Dropped Out/Gap in Enrollment (Not Reported - Derived from B.1- (B.2+B.3+B.4) EXIT POINT* Number of TAACCCT Credit Hours Complete d (B.5) Received a Wage Increase Post- Enrollment (incumbent workers only) (B.10)

Summing Up Exit Points 0 Once a participant reaches an “exit point,” he or she is no longer tracked for reporting purposes (except incumbent workers, who are tracked for wage increases– B.10) 0 There are four exit points in reporting: 0 Entering another program before completing a TAACCCT program (B.3) 0 Exiting the institution altogether (not reported) 0 Going on to further education after completion (B.7) 0 Retaining employment after having been placed into employment (B.9) 0 Note: definition states that it must be for the following two quarters after exit, and this is not referring to incumbent workers *There is one exception for incumbent workers

#7 Education Outcomes

B.5 Total Number of Credit Hours Completed #8 Definition: The total number of credit hours to date that have been completed by participants in grant-funded certificate and degree programs -Enter the aggregate number of credit hours across all of your participants to date in that year. -Only the credit hours of students who are considered participants can be counted in this data element. -If a participant left all grant-funded programs during the year, the credit hours he or she did complete that year in TAACCCT-funded programs can still be counted. -Non-credit hours or hours completed in which no college credit hours were recorded cannot be counted in this outcome.

B.5a Total Number of Students Completing Credit Hours Credit Hours #9 Definition: The total number of students who have enrolled that have completed any number of credit hours to date -Enter the number of students who earned any number of credit hours to date during that year -Only students whose credit hours counted in B.5 can be counted in this data element. -If a participant left all grant-funded programs during the year but earned TAACCCT-funded credit hours, he or she may still be counted in this outcome. -Students who completed non-credit hours or hours in which no college credit hours were recorded cannot be counted in this outcome.

B.6 Total Number Earned Credentials #10 Definition: The total number of degrees or certificates earned to date by participants in grant-funded programs -Enter the aggregate number of degrees and certificates across all of your participants to date in that year -Only the degrees and certificates of students who are considered participants can be counted in this data element. -If a participant left all grant-funded programs during the year, the degrees and certificates he or she did complete in TAACCCT-funded programs during that year can still be counted. -Degrees and certificates earned in non-TAACCCT funded programs by students who were participants at one time who cannot be counted. -The degrees and certificates earned must be industry-recognized. -Review TEGL 15-10

Number of Students Earning Credentials #11 B.6a. Total Number of Students Earning Certificates (less than one year) :The total number of students who earned certificates designed to be completed in one year or less. B.6b. Total Number of Students Earning Certificates (more than one year): The total number of students who earned certificates designed to be completed in more than one year. B.6c. Total Number of Students Earning Degrees: The total number of students who earned degrees -Enter the number of students who earned this type of credential during the year in which it was earned, regardless of which year the student was counted as having been enrolled.

Summing Up Education Outcomes Ask: Is the outcome asking for things or people? 0 Can count as many “things” as actually occur 0 People can only count once per outcome where relevant 0 In other words, scan only be counted in each of the three credential type outcome one time, regardless of how many certificates of that type, or how many degrees are earned. 0 Why? Reporting flow matters 0 However, a student can be counted once in more than one type if more than one type is earned.

#13 Employment Outcomes

B.8 Total Number Employed After Program of Study Completion 14 Definition: Of the total number of participants who were not incumbent workers and who completed at least one grant- funded program, enter the total number of individuals to date who entered unsubsidized employment in the first quarter after the quarter in which the student exits the college. -Exit is defined as being no longer enrolled at the college in any program of study (grant-funded or not) and can include formal withdrawal, expulsion, graduation, and other reasons.

Entering Employment: Nuances of Reporting Students who are entered into this outcome cannot be simultaneously entered during the same year into the outcome for “Total Number Pursuing Further Education After Program of Study Completion.” Students must be entered into this outcome only one time and only during the year in which it occurs, and can only be entered into this outcome when they have actually exited the college.

Entering Employment: Nuances of Reporting #16 If a student becomes employed after completing the first program but also enrolls in another program at the same time, as long as he or she is still employed in that first quarter after exiting the college, he or she can still be counted as having entered employment. This means the following students can be counted as having entered employment: Students who complete a program, exit, and become employed in the next quarter Students who complete a program, enter another program, exit (whether finishing the second program or not), and become employed in the next quarter Students who complete a program, become employed and enter another program, then exit (whether finishing the second program or not) – as long as they are still employed or enter a new job in the next quarter

B.9 Total Number Retained in Employment After Program of Study Completion #17 Definition: Of the total number of participants who were employed in the first quarter after the quarter in which the student exits the college (B.8), enter the total number of individuals to date who were employed in the second and third quarters after exit. -This definition necessarily excludes incumbent workers, because only students who were not incumbent workers were eligible to be counted in B.8, and this outcome can only include participants who were counted in B.8.

Retained Employment: Nuances of Reporting 0 This outcome can only include participants who were retained in employment in the second and third quarters after that third quarter after exit. If they were only retained in the second quarter, but not the third, they cannot be counted. If they were not retained in the second quarter, you no longer need to track them for this outcome because they can no longer be counted for this outcome. 0 Students must be entered into this outcome only one time and only during the year in which it occurs, regardless of the year when the student exited the college, the quarter in which he or she entered employment, or the second quarter in which he or she retained employment.

Summing Up Employment Outcomes 0 To be counted as having entered employment, a participant must have both completed a program and exited the institution, but does not have to have entered employment before exiting 0 To be counted as having retained employment, the participant has to have retained the employment in both the second and third quarters after exiting and being employed 0 Incumbent workers cannot be counted as having entered employment or retaining employment

Conclusion 0 There are many nuances to reporting for the TAACCCT program. 0 It is beneficial to understand these nuances as you pull together information from your data collection system in preparation to report. 0 System edit checks in the reporting system are in place that will not allow submission until logical and mathematical errors are corrected. #20