Welcome to Workforce 3 One U.S. Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration Webinar Date: March 6, 2014 Presented by: ETA/OWI Division of Strategic Investments U.S. Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration
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3# Presenter: Kristen Milstead Title: Workforce Analyst Organization: Division of Strategic Investments
4# Reporting Definitions Review and ETA’s Further Guidance Q & A
5# Reporting Definitions and ETA’s Further Guidance
A student who: Is identified as a participant in the Statement of Work Enters or enrolls in a grant-funded program or course that is part of a grant-funded program “Grant funded programs” are defined as those paid for with grant funds and are credit or non- credit programs of study which lead to industry- recognized degrees and certificates. *TEGL and its Attachment 2 6
Definition: The total number of individuals for the year who entered any of the grant-funded programs offered to date. *Unique: if a participant exits and returns, he or she cannot be counted a second time as a participant. 7
Definition: The total number of unique participants who completed any grant-funded program to date. Unique: Participants who complete should only be included once during the period of performance, even if they complete multiple programs. Completion is defined as having earned all of the credit hours (formal award units) needed for the award of a degree or certificate in that program of study. 8#
Definition: Of the total number of unique participants enrolled who have not completed their programs, enter the total number of enrollees who were still enrolled either in their original program of study or a different grant-funded program of study at the end of the reporting year. -If a participant switches to a different program prior to completing it, he or she may still be counted as being retained in a grant-funded education program as long as it is grant-funded and they have not completed it. -If the participant has already completed a program, however, they are not eligible to be counted in this field. 9#
Definition: Of the total number of unique participants enrolled, enter the total number of enrollees who dropped out of a grant-funded program of study, but have enrolled in another education program not funded by the grant. - If the participant has already completed a program, however, they are not eligible to be counted in this field. -If a participant later switches to another grant-funded education program, he or she cannot be re-enrolled as a participant due to the definition of a participant specifying all participants as being “unique.” -The future outcomes of students enrolling in non-grant funded education programs do not need to be tracked and reported. 10#
Definition: The total number of credit hours to date that have been completed by participants in grant-funded certificate and degree programs -Enter the aggregate number of credit hours across all of your participants to date during the year. -Only the credit hours of students who are considered participants can be counted in this data element. -If a participant left all grant-funded programs during the year, the credit hours he or she did complete that year in TAACCCT-funded programs can still be counted. -Non-credit hours or hours completed in which no college credit hours were recorded cannot be counted in this outcome. 11#
Definition: The total number of students who have enrolled that have completed any number of credit hours to date -Enter the number of students who earned any number of credit hours to date during the year. -Only students whose credit hours counted in B.5 can be counted in this data element. -If a participant left all grant-funded programs during the year but earned TAACCCT-funded credit hours, he or she may still be counted in this outcome. -Students who completed non-credit hours or hours in which no college credit hours were recorded cannot be counted in this outcome. 12#
Definition: The total number of degrees or certificates earned to date by participants in grant-funded programs -Enter the aggregate number of degrees and certificates across all of your participants to date during the year. -Only the degrees and certificates of students who are considered participants can be counted in this data element. -If a participant left all grant-funded programs during the year, the degrees and certificates he or she did complete in TAACCCT-funded programs during that year can still be counted. -Degrees and certificates earned in non-TAACCCT funded programs by students who were participants at one time who cannot be counted. -The degrees and certificates earned must be industry-recognized. 13#
B.6a. Total Number of Students Earning Certificates (less than one year) :The total number of students who earned certificates designed to be completed in one year or less. B.6b. Total Number of Students Earning Certificates (more than one year): The total number of students who earned certificates designed to be completed in more than one year. B.6c. Total Number of Students Earning Degrees: The total number of students who earned degrees. -Enter the number of students who earned this type of credential during the year. -Students can only be counted in each outcome one time, regardless of how many certificates of that type, or how many degrees are earned. However, a student can be counted in more than one type if more than one type is earned. 14#
Definition: Of the total number of participants who completed at least one grant-funded program of study, enter the total number of individuals to date who entered another program of study (grant-funded or not) -Students must be first entered into this outcome only during the year in which they complete their grant-funded program. -Students who are entered into this outcome cannot be simultaneously entered during the same year into the outcome for “Total Number Employed After Program of Study Completion” (more on this later) 15#
Definition: Of the total number of participants who were not incumbent workers and who completed at least one grant-funded program, enter the total number of individuals to date who entered unsubsidized employment in the first quarter after the quarter in which the student exits the college. -Exit is defined as being no longer enrolled at the college in any program of study (grant-funded or not) and can include formal withdrawal, expulsion, graduation, and other reasons. -Students who are entered into this outcome cannot be simultaneously entered during the same year into the outcome for “Total Number Pursuing Further Education After Program of Study Completion.” -Students must be entered into this outcome only one time and can only be entered into this outcome when they have actually exited the college. 16#
In general, participants can only be entered into this outcome during the year in which exit occurs, however there is an exception! For students who complete in the last quarter of a reporting year, they are eligible to be counted as having entered employment in the first quarter of the following reporting year. -For example, if a student completed on in September 2012 and immediately exited the college, they could be counted in B.8 if they were employed at any time during October 1, 2012 and December 31, 2012 BUT if this were the case, they will count in B.8 during Year 3, not Year 2, even though they completed their program and exited during Year 2. 17#
If a student becomes employed after completing the first program but also enrolls in another program at the same time, as long as he or she is still employed in that first quarter after exiting the college, he or she can still be counted as having entered employment. This means that in the following scenarios, participants can be counted as having entered employment: Complete program exit find a job next qtr. Complete program enter new program exit find a job next quarter Complete program find a job and enter new program exit still employed in the next quarter 18#
Definition: Of the total number of participants who were employed in the first quarter after the quarter in which the student exits the college (B.8), enter the total number of individuals to date who were employed in the second and third quarters after exit. -This definition necessarily excludes incumbent workers, because only students who were not incumbent workers were eligible to be counted in B.8, and this outcome can only include participants who were counted in B.8. 19#
-This outcome can only include participants who were retained in employment in the second and third quarters after that third quarter after exit. -If they were only retained in the second quarter, but not the third, they cannot be counted. -Students must be entered into this outcome only one time and only during the year in which it occurs, regardless of: -the year when the student exited the college; -the quarter in which he or she entered employment; -or the second quarter in which he or she retained employment. 20#
Definition: Of the total number of incumbent workers (those employed at enrollment) who enter a grant-funded program, enter the total number who received an increase in their wages at any time after becoming enrolled. -To be counted in this outcome: The incumbent worker must enroll in a grant-funded program, but does not have to finish it The wage increase can occur at any time during the period of performance The wage increase does not necessarily have to be associated with grant- funded training 21#
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