THE ROMAN CATHOLIC AND EASTERN ORTHODOX CHURCH Montsi Bonilla Valeria Laddaga Valeria Sanchez
The Roman Catholic Church Christianity-small number of Jews in Rome Emperor Constantine-legalized Christianity Catholicism Catholic- universal/whole The Roman Catholic Church powerful Power grew with wealth Able to influence kings/rulers of Europe Opposition led to Excommunication 1054-Great Schism Caused Italian pope elected and established a papal court in Rome French disagreed and elected a French Pope based in Avignon Both popes did not recognize each other and excommunicated each other as well Council of Constance All popes removed and a new pope came into power Religion finally became the Roman Catholic Church
The Eastern Orthodox Church Byzantine Empire Built on Christian Faith Different from Roman Church: Emperor was head Yet had similar beliefs Main language was Greek Became officially separated after the Great Schism of 1054
Roman Catholic Church: Relation between Church and State Germanic Tribes settled Visigoths Franks (Clovis) Society started to join as Germans and Romans intermarried The Pope was the head of church and state Pope Gregory I Papacy became a source political power Monks started to spread outwards from Rome Practice was monasticism Fourth century Christianity became supreme religion Gained supremacy where head of Papal states Defending from Heresy-denial of basic church doctrines Church had influence Inquisition - Court that dealt with heretics Kings wanted power (Henry IV) Lay investiture-rulers nominated church officials Pope Grogory VII Struggle led to Concordant of Worms Spiritual weapon was the interdict
Eastern Orthodox Church: Relationship between Church and State Vikings settled As places grew they started to attract byzantine missionaries Started being pressured by Islamic forces Because of defeats Eastern Roman Empire became much smaller Which was then called Byzantine Empire Both Greek and a Christian state Came to be known as Eastern Orthodox Church Emperor ruled and appointed patriarch Justinian Laws that the system followed Examples such as hundreds of churches were in the city Troubles Arose Pope Leo IX vs. Michael Cerularius Each excommunicated each other Schism -split
Roman Catholic Church LaityMembers of the church
Eastern Orthodox Church Laity Regular church members Clergy- : church leaders
Roman Catholic Church: Tools Used to Stay in Power Western Church- had monasteries where monks would travel and spread Christianity. Franciscans and Dominicans Defended church against heresy Interdict – showed religious power Inquisition – punish heretics Excommunication - punishment
Eastern Orthodox Church: Tools Used to Stay in Power Eastern Church- influenced building as it was shown that the religions were orthodox as hundreds of churches surrounded the rebuilding of in the sixth century. Also had monasteries especially in Russia Emperor was on the good side of the church, bringing many contributions to religion.
How Dark Were the Dark Ages For the Church? Made the ecclesiastical calendar Celebrate holidays Peasants Way of Life