Meaning Purpose Steps in evaluation Models of evaluation Program evaluators and the role
A process of making judgement on the worth of an implemented program. Judgement is made by comparing what is seen/observed (evidence) with a standard criterion.
The meaning of evaluation is further strengthened by the following characteristics: a.A continuous process - from beginning, midway, and final stage. b.Evaluation is a learning process to the participants involved.
c.Evaluation is a process of measuring performance. Therefore strengths and weaknesses are identified. d.Can be measured quantitatively and qualitatively. e.An ideal model of evaluation involves input-output-impact.
1. To see the achievement of objectives *Data are collected on the performance of the program
Analysis is done on the data, and it is compared with the statement of objective of the program The result of the comparison is stated, eg. 90% or 80% of the objective is achieved. The result is used for follow-up activities.
2. As a proof for budget/resource utilization: Most CD programs received budgets from sponsors (NGO), institutions) Most CD programs received budgets from sponsors (NGO), institutions) Program participants must be accountable of the budgets used. Program participants must be accountable of the budgets used.
Change brought about by the program should be proven. Evaluation results is one of the ways to prove the utilization of budget/resource. Change brought about by the program should be proven. Evaluation results is one of the ways to prove the utilization of budget/resource. Evaluation result is submitted to sponsor. Evaluation result is submitted to sponsor.
3. Evaluation as Data Bank Evaluation needs data that to be gathered continuously. Data gathered through – eg. Survey, observations, are kept in the “data bank” that could be retrieved when needed.
A good evaluation should be based on up-to-date data (not obsolete data). Example of data bank is Department of Statistics, who does continuous data collection on the various sectors of development. Digital facilities (computer) facilitates the management of data for development.
4. Evaluation as a Strategy in Management Planning and implementation are both activities in management. Management needs careful usage of resources. Management needs on-going information about the program.
Management answers questions such as: -Is the program formulated according to the problems and interest of the community? -What activities should be prioritised? -What should be the action if there is natural calamity?
5.Evaluation as a Strategy for Program Improvement From evaluation, weaknesses of the program are known. Weakness means the gap between the present and the desired status.
6.Evaluation as a basis for follow-up activities: Results of evaluation are used for future activities of the program. Results of evaluation are used for future activities of the program. Also used for reformation of policy in order to bring better impact. Also used for reformation of policy in order to bring better impact. For duplication purposes (similar program on different community and locality). For duplication purposes (similar program on different community and locality).
7.Evaluation as a means to get recognition
3. Analyse data and do judgement 1.Define the focus of evaluation 2. Collect data (evidence) 4. Report the result of evaluation Steps in Evaluation
Step 1 : Define the focus of evaluation Answer the following questions: What is the objective of evaluation? What is the objective of evaluation? What criteria and indicators in each criterion to be used? What criteria and indicators in each criterion to be used?
What are the data (evidences), and the sources of the data? What are the data (evidences), and the sources of the data? Who are the evaluators (internal or external)? Who are the evaluators (internal or external)? How is the result reported, and for whom? How is the result reported, and for whom?
Step 2: Collect the data (Evidence) Step 2: Collect the data (Evidence) It is done after criteria and indicators of criteria are known. It is done after criteria and indicators of criteria are known. Data are collected similar to data collection techniques in situational analysis or research, e.g. Survey, observation, document reviews. Data are collected similar to data collection techniques in situational analysis or research, e.g. Survey, observation, document reviews.
Sources of Data: Depending on objectives of the evaluation. If the objective is to see the impact of balanced diet program among children, therefore, the source of data is the children and the mother or parents. Depending on objectives of the evaluation. If the objective is to see the impact of balanced diet program among children, therefore, the source of data is the children and the mother or parents.
Participants of the program Participants of the program Program facilitators/CD workers/ social workers/implementors Program facilitators/CD workers/ social workers/implementors Relevant reports such as meeting minutes. Relevant reports such as meeting minutes.
Step:3 Analyse the data and do judgment Basis of analysis is doing judgment is by comparing the present status of the program and what it ought to be It is done one by one on the criteria or indicators of criteria
e:g : Balanced Diet Criterion – Participation Indicators – i. Attendance in meeting ii. Active participation iii. Give feedback
Analysis and judgment can be done quantitatively and qualitatively Qualitative – e.g. of criteria: i) Appropriateness – according to problems and needs -Easy or difficult to follow -According to mandate of organization
ii) Effectiveness – how is the achievement of objectives - Impact on income or other indicators -Impact on community’s psychological change such as attitude, awareness and knowledge
iii) Efficiency – is the program implemented according to the duration as planned? Delayed or faster? How is the ratio of input and output?
iv) Significance – to community or organization? Is it commensurate with the resources used?
Step 4: Report the Evaluation Results Every one (participant) has the right to know the evaluation Various forms of reports – academic (journal articles, papers) and non- academic (bulletin, news through mass media)
Reports are channeled to departments or ministries for policy formulation especially results that need immediate action Reports are channeled to departments or ministries for policy formulation especially results that need immediate action Some reports are made for sponsors – with certain specifications for reporting Some reports are made for sponsors – with certain specifications for reporting