Picture Essay By: K.K. 10/04/2010
Seamstress Back in the s people did not get new clothes when they wanted them, new shoes if theirs was to small or anything. The seamstress lady/man was there to undo the shoes maybe add more stuff to the shoe to make it larger, they clothes was either handed down, or made new out of materials they had.
Factory worker Many factory workers back In the 1900s had a hard time, from being a young child in there trying to get money for his family or just having to work in the factory. A lot of things had happened in the factory from fights, to people getting hit with equipment to many of things.
Poor House Keeper As the housekeeper the lady/man is required to be on top of everything in the house. Having to clean, cook, get the family all done up with everything that they need to be doing. The housekeeper is most of the time poor & gets food & shelter from the family.
Factory workers Many of the housekeepers would rely on the man of the house to work at the factory to bring home some of the money that way they could buy stuff to plant food, get materials, or anything that is needed.
Citations /progressive/riis/illustrations.htmlhttp:// 1897/progressive/riis/illustrations.html otography/home/home.htmlhttp://xroads.virginia.edu/~MA01/Davis/ph otography/home/home.html