Faculty Senate Pat Hulsebosch, Office of Academic Quality 11/17/08
NSSE provides concrete descriptions of student experience that leads to university success NSSE can be used for ongoing improvement NSSE Benchmarks = Strategic Plan indicators for two SP Goal objectives NSSE data is based on years of research on student success in higher education NSSE is becoming one of the “standards” by which IHE’s are evaluated Public and press
Recent NSSE Survey done in Spring, 2007 NSSE surveyed 380,000 randomly sampled students at 722 U.S. colleges and universities in the spring of ◦ First year (FY) and Seniors (SR) Gallaudet has gathered NSSE data since 2005 (three years) Often used every 2-3 years GU’s NSSE data is compared to peer groups
USA Today Website is providing NSSE benchmark information on universities (voluntary) ◦ cation/ nsse-how- to_N.htm cation/ nsse-how- to_N.htm
NSSE’s public education campaign on Guidelines for Choosing a College or University ◦ Characteristics of student engagement ◦ Experiences at universities that make a difference in success See the POCKET GUIDE
BENCHMARKS Level of Academic Challenge Active and Collaborative Learning Student-Faculty Interaction Enriching Educational Experiences Supportive Campus Environment EXAMPLE NSSE ITEMS Number of papers written Made a class presentation Discussed assignments with instructor Discussed career plans with a faculty member /advisor Talking with students of a different race or ethnicity Quality of relationships with administrative personnel and offices
BENCHMARKS (%) ◦ Comparisons to designated peers ◦ Comparisons to NSSE average See Executive Summary, page 4 ◦ Comparisons to “highly engaged” IHE’s (Top 50%, Top 10%) ◦ Comparisons to our past % (2004, 2007)
1. Active and collaborative learning higher – Significantly higher than average 2. Student-faculty interaction higher – Significantly higher than average 3. Supportive campus environment – Neutral 4. Level of academic challenge lower – Significantly lower than average 5. Enriching educational experience lower – Significantly lower than average 1, 2, 3 and 4 all have INCREASED for FY students since the last GU NSSE Survey in 2005
Level of Academic Challenge (LAC) Active and Collaborative Learning (ACL) ¡ Student-Faculty Interaction (SFI) Enriching Educational Experiences (EEE) Supportive Campus Environment (SCE)
Supportive Campus Environment (SCE) Enriching Educational Experiences (EEE) ** – Active and Collaborative Learning (ACL) * + Level of Academic Challenge (LAC) * – Student-Faculty Interaction (SFI) ** +
NSSE ITEMS Percentages of our students See “What Gallaudet Students are Saying About Their Gallaudet Experience” 92% report talking to a faculty or advisor about career 70% of FY students feel that this institution has a substantial commitment to their academic success. 1 53% feel well-supported by the institution regarding their social needs. 28% of FY students find the administrative personnel and offices helpful, considerate, and flexible
NSSE ITEMS Comparisons to designated peers Comparisons to NSSE average See Executive Summary, pages 2 and 3 See Blackboard: National Survey of Student Engagement for data on all items
Town Hall, 11/12/08
Town Hall; 11/12/08
Insider Higher Education interested in doing an article about Gallaudet’s NSSE scores Spring Faculty Development Day: January – January 14 th on NSSE and retaining students Power Points by Institutional Research and NSSE (August Faculty Development Day) at /National_Survey_of_Student_Engagement_(NSSE).html