I’m Alive Courage, Hope, and a Miracle By Duke Pieper
Do you believe in miracles? Do you believe that a miracle can happen in your own life?
We come into life with big goals and dreams We want to be important
Things Happen Disappointment's Let down’s
Self Acceptation I had everything going for me Then this happens
Where Do I Go From Here? I had to accept myself for who I am I had to look at things differently
Dreams Win the Stanley Cup Play in the NHL
Schools Shattuck St. Mary’s Hill-Murray
First Varsity Game Feeling head pressure Taking myself off the ice
Cavernous Hemagioma First two months hallucinations Not wanting to die on a Wednesday
Total Paralysis Feeling works it’s way up the body Having to re-learn everything all over
Jokes Stethoscope Nurse List
Quote “the ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands at a moment of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at a moment of challenge and controversy” Martin Luther King JR
Bullet Point’s Nothing is out of reach Keeping your body in shape gets the rest of you in shape Enjoy everyday as the gift that it is
Conclusion Bullet Point’s It takes Courage, Hope, and a Miracle and I am alive