RAD II Participant Observation Volunteering with a local organisation GrowNYC UNION SQUARE
BACKGROUND ON THE ORGANISATION Non-profit organization Created in 1970 With the aim of transforming the city into a clean and healthy place for current and future generations Serves as a sustainable resource for New Yorkers
Programs Greenmarket- access to fresh & healthy local food Recycling- learn to segregate and dispose off waste in the right way, composting Garden- garden communities Education- awareness regarding environment and sustainability
Greenmarket, Union Square Assistance with in-market tasks such as cooking demonstrations, community outreach, interactive demonstrations to groups etc.
I helped and assisted the staff while demonstrating cooking. Assisted while taking school kids through a tour of the farmers market Handed out flyers and information to passer by’s
What I observed People that come to the farmers market seem to be satisfied with their buy They are allowed to taste and touch the produce they are buying-advantage Today, people are getting more conscious about the food they eat and hence prefer to know what it contains Produce sold at the farmers market is devoid of any pesticides, fertilizers and GMOs.
Local farmers are encouraged to pursue and continue to produce fresh and organic fruits and vegetables. This is not only sustaining a part of their livelihood but is giving New Yorkers access to seasonal, healthy and sustainable food choices. Some people just use the market as a transition to get to other places while others specifically come to buy fresh produce.
Most of the vendors have farms roughly 5-6 hours, which is about 90 miles, from the market and transport their produce in trucks. For some it is a part time job while for others it occupies their entire profession. At the greenmarket the purchased food is being directly sold by the person who grew, raised, caught, baked and produced it. Most of the other volunteers are students or people in their mid-twenties who feel the need to give back to the community in any way they can.
This has not only become a major source of fresh produce but has also led to trusting relationship between consumer and vendors. Greenmarket vendors sell a range of products including fruits, vegetables, dairy products, flowers, jams, honey, poultry, seafood and even natural health care products like lip balms and lotions.
Relation to Climate Change in Bangalore, India Bangalore's weather is changing like crazy. Scorching summers, bone-chilling winters and deluges that resemble cloudbursts are indicators that all is not well with the city's climate. It spells bad news for a city once considered perfect to live in.” – TOI, Bangalore 2013 Bangalore is experiencing an urban heat island effect.
Coming from India where the rate of farmer suicides is extremely high I feel obliged to help and encourage local farmers in any way possible. In India, most farmers depend on growing produce as a sole source of income. If they fail to produce the same they are compelled to take loans and when the debt is too high most are pressured into committing suicide