Alerts & Reserves
December, Objectives Maintain reliability –Ensure that adequate reserves are available Market Clearing Price of Energy is synchronized with reliability requirements –The market design will allow for price response before manual reliability actions are required
December, Since November 9th, there were seven Alerts and one EECP Event –Alerts 18:14 – Non- Spin deployed, OOMC 16:24 - Non- Spin deployed 04:31 - Non- Spin deployed, OOMC 09:50- Non- Spin deployed 06:42- Non- Spin deployed 06:28 - Non- Spin deployed, OOMC 5:20 - Non- Spin deployed –EECP 06:48 Alerts & EECP Events
December, Declared EECP
December, Declared EECP
December, SPD will deploy all offered capacity even if it should be reserved for Ancillary Services Not flagging non-spin units correctly, will affect the after-the- fact analysis. (i.e. we need to determine online and off-line non-spin obligation) Quick-starts that are offered into balancing should be shown online and available in the Resource Plan in order for SPD to dispatch them. For each QSE, the AS obligations were subtracted from the QSEs’ Spinning, and any deployments were added back in. After doing this exercise, 10 out of 46 active QSEs (includes sub QSEs) came up negative for IE 07:15 This totaled nearly 556 MW Summary