Team Organization Why? - The FIRST experience is much more than just building a robot and will overwhelm a team without an effective structure When? - Immediately after the Championship competition for veteran teams and no later than October for rookie teams Who? - The process must be led by teachers, coaches & engineers but the students should make the decisions as they will be responsible for execution 2002
Team Organization Individual Tasks Sub Groupings Primary Groupings / Task Selection Team Building Team Tasks Timing Team Networking
Individual Tasks Break down each facet of the FIRST experience to the finest possible detail (ie., tool inventory/maintenance, in-school fund raising, animation storyboard art) Include everything including engineer & teacher administrative tasks The more complete the analysis, the more effective the organization
Sub Groupings Go through list & combine tasks in logical sub-groups ( ie. Chassis construction, sales/raffle fund raising, animation scripting) Establish project leaders for each of the sub-groups (see handout #1 on leadership) Sub-group leaders agree to assume full responsibility for all sub group tasks Establish level of discomfort as sub- group leadership is accepted
Task Selection Prioritize sub groups by level of team interest ( ie. candy sales/raffle fund raising does not have as much energy as soliciting additional sponsors for additional funding) Based upon level of discomfort as to tasks vs. resources start deleting lowest priority tasks Conduct reality check on deleted tasks ( ie. Without candy sales/raffle fund raising, team can only attend one regional, but second regional is high priority on task list)
Primary Groupings Combine sub-groups into primary groups ( ie.structural build, fund raising, animation) Establish Team Leaders to each primary group (see handout #1 on leadership) Team Leaders accept full responsibility for ALL tasks in their primary grouping
Team Building Weekly robotics team meetings after school, especially fall semester - Begin each meeting with a team building activity 5-20 min - Have a student take minutes and use them to track progres - Introduce "stress" projects to get the team working together Participate in off-season competition - Ford VEV “Sweet Repeat” - Chief Delphi Invitational Full team fund raising projects Team Building sources: - The Complete Idiot’s guide to Team Building, Arthur R. Pell, PhD - Meetings: Do’s and Don’ts, Sharon M. Lippincott
Team Tasks Establish big picture objectives which need to be addressed by the entire team (ie. competition strategy) Develop a plan on how to attack each of the large scale tasks (ie. each team member develop a rough robot design with sketches which will complete their concept of the game objectives) Stick to the plan!!!!!
TimingTiming Develop a big picture time line Build a detailed chart to track individual tasks (see handout #2 – MS Project Gantt Chart) Review the detailed chart at weekly (minimum) team meetings Consider having a designated deadline coordinator
Team Networking Contact all teams in the general vicinity and solicit interest. Schedule an inter- team meeting Develop a list of wants that could be more easily achieved by an alliance of teams (ie. full playing field) Go through the same task organization process to achieve these mutual wants as was done at the team level
Team Networking Goals Promote the cooperative, sharing spirit of FIRST Inspire each other at a team level Develop a rapport with other teams that will carry over to the competition stage
Final Thought “Success is going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm” Winston Churchill
Handout #1 – A few tips to consider when establishing sub-group and primary group leaders
Handout #2 – This is a sample of MS Project Gantt chart with one of the primary groups expanded