Culvert Project Fish Passage – Through Drainage Structures. Richard Thompson Senior Habitat Biologist Ministry of Environment.


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Presentation transcript:

Culvert Project Fish Passage – Through Drainage Structures. Richard Thompson Senior Habitat Biologist Ministry of Environment

Why did the fish cross the Road? Because it couldn’t pass through the culvert!

Background Overview of the Prince George Project –Watershed Priorization –Field Methods –Results –Priorization of structures How big is the problems? What Can you do?

BACKGROUND “Poor culvert design and location can be ranked among the most devastating fish constraints to be found in the Province.” “Until adequate corrective measures are taken, fish populations will continue to be detrimentally affected, and the province will be burdened with the difficult task of replacing dwindling numbers of fish stocks.” –1977 report to a Federal Provincial committee on Fishways and stream crossings.

BACKGROUND 2002 Fish Stream Crossing Guidebook MoE/DFO Evaluations Government recognition of issue priorize fish passage problems restoration.

Prince George Fish Passage Assessment Project. Priorize watersheds Structure Assessment Method Results Priorize restoration.

Planning Select watershed(s) using “Fish Value” and 1:50,000 Wshd Atlas Polygons Step 1 Fish Value Biodiversity Species Richness Red and Blue Socio Economic Salmon Escapement LakesSteelhead Selection process can be at any level i.e. provincial, regional, district etc. “Fish Value” is a provincial strategic tool used to rank watersheds

Watershed Groups: Prince George Forest District

Forest District MOE Region Watershed Code Species Richness T&E Salmon Escapement Lake Value SH value Fish Value

“Fish Value” Score: PG Forest District BasinWatershed Avg. Poly Score# of Poly Rank w/i Basin ArcticParsnip Total ArcticCarp Total selected ArcticCrooked Total ArcticSmoky Total ArcticMurray Total ArcticMuskeg Total PacificHerrick Total PacificMcGregor Total selected PacificTabor Total PacificMorkill Total PacificWillow Total PacificLower Chilako Total PacificChilako Total PacificCottonwood Total PacificBowron Total PacificLower Salmon Total PacificBlackwater Total PacificStuart Total

Watershed Groups: Prince George Forest District Forest District MOE Region Watershed Code Species Richness T&E Salmon Escapement Lake Value SH value Fish Value Carp McGregor

Planning Overlay known fish presence with specific road networks Step 2 GIS exercise Obtain maps of road network Concentrate on intersection of “known” fish streams and road network

Four Ways to Evaluate Culverts for Fish Passage Experiments/surveys observing actual fish passage success Velocity measurements Hydraulic analysis Measurement of surrogates indicative of hydraulic conditions

The Overview and Detailed protocols used are surrogate methods Key advantages: –Surrogate measures can be done with people with little training –Surrogate protocols can cover more culverts in same amount of time boosting sample size –Information can be used in hydraulic analysis if right measures taken

14.Outlet Drop (cm) Quick measures with meter stick for overview* 15.Embedded?Yes No Circle (Visual) 16.Embedment Depth (30 cm or 20%) Yes No Circle (Visual) 17.Culvert Slope (%) (Clinometer) Clinometer quick measure 18.Culvert Dimensions (cm)x(m) _____ _____ _____ Meter Stick 19.Culvert Condition (circle all) New Worn Deteriorated Visual 20.Downstream Width (cm) __________ Tape or level rod 21.Backwatering (Circle) NA; None; Out; Barrel; Inlet Visual Measurements in and around outlet *Measures should take 5-10 minutes

#14. Outlet drop - Residual Pool Measurements Pool must be close enough for jump to culvert outlet (good distance and angle) Base measurements on residual pool surface Current water surface Residual water surface Length DepthDepth

Data Assessment 2. Risk Analysis –Use dominant hydraulic surrogate as outlined in Table –Must make score of 10 for consideration

Fieldwork Results Carpn=92


locationMcGregor FSR OD2m size2300mm x 28m HVHigh trib to Tropy R. (200 m)

locationMcGregor FSR OD20 cm size1400mm x 30m HVHigh: trib to Tropy R.

locationCargill FSR OD63 cm size2400 mm x 15.5 m HVHigh: trib to McGregor R. SiteOR-12-01

location9.9 Bend FSR (McGregor) OD115 cm size1700 mm x 30 m HVHigh SiteOR-10-04

locationmcGregorFSR OD95 cm size800 mm x 19.4 m HVmod-high: trib to McGregor R. SiteY-14-03

location10.3 km Finlay FSR OD45 cm size3050 x 32.2 m HVHigh: trib to Williston Lake. SiteOR-05-02

location26.8 km Finlay Philip FSR OD10 cm size800 x 16 m HVLow-mod: trib to Williston Lake. SiteGR-05-02

location35.9 km Finlay Philip FSR OD59 size900 x 25 m HVLow-mod: trib to Williston Lake. SiteGR-05-05

locationFinlay Phillip FSR ODn/a size3200 x 2200 x 20m HVHigh trib to Williston Lake. SiteGR-04-02

Culvert / Fish Passage Project - Priorities Analysis of Quantity of Potential Upstream Habitat Isolated by Impassable Culverts Craig Mount, Don Philip, Richard Thompson Ministry of Environment Ecosystem Branch

Inspected Culverts and 1:20,000 CWB Blue line Network culvert stream

stream reach > 30% gradient stream reach < 30% gradient Potential Habitat reduced by removing all reaches >30%

Potential habitat reduced further by removing all reaches above a >3m barrier stream reach not isolated above a barrier

Final Product Potential habitat upstream of inspected culverts Areas not affected by channel gradient or natural barrier stream reach with potential habitat upstream of an inspected culvert

Results McGregor/Carp Data = 92% of the structures fail to meet fish passage criteria GIS estimate ~ 1600km of potential fish habitat. Fix the top 10% of problem structures ~1100 km of habitat accessible. Take Home – Systematic assessment allows decisions which will maximize fish habitat gains for dollars spent.

Summary Approach developed in Pilot can be applied to any scale in Province Systematic approach driven by priority watersheds Adequate expertise exists for overview assessment – anyone should be able to do the overview after reviewing the protocol. Training beneficial The protocol will be posted as FIA standard for fish passage assessment. MoE –

How big is the problem? Review the data from our nearest neighbours. Estimates for B.C.

Western USFS - $331 M worth of work Forest Service Region Est. number of culverts on fish-bearing streams Est. number of barriers Barriers R10 – Alaska % R6 – Washington % R6 – Oregon % R5 - California % Total % From Tom Thompson testimony to Congress April, 2002

All Washington Culvert Barriers State 8% - 2,700 culvert barriers Private64% - 21,460 culvert barriers Federal14% - 4,600 culverts barriers County, Municipal 14% - 4,600 culverts barriers TOTAL 33,000 culvert barriers (plus 6,000 dams) WDFW, 2001

All Oregon Culvert Barriers State and County 10% - 2,871 culvert barriers 52% of culverts were barriers (low estimate) Private, Federal, Municipal 90% - 26,000 culvert barriers (Not inventoried) TOTAL Approximately 30,000 culvert barriers Stahl, 2003

How big is the Problem in BC. Provincial Stream Crossing Numbers How many Kilometers of Resource Roads? 550,000 km. How many stream crossings? 370,000 of which estimated 200,000 are culverts. How many within fish distribution? 80,000 Failure rate? 30% 60%, 90% Time? Range of potential problem 30,000 to 70,000. What about other species? Tailed Frogs, Pacific Giant Salamander.

What can you do? How can MoFR engineering staff help? Fish passage considered in all new projects. Raise the awareness of the issue amongst colleagues, consultants, licensees and management. Start fixing the problem.

Acknowledgements Gordon Mackinnon and associates George Robison Humboldt State University Brian Chow P.Eng. Craig Mount P.Geo Don Phillips Leslie Mckinley R.P.Bio DFO MoFR MoE Regional Staff Canfor CoFI