MAZANKA A Mazanka is a small string instrument with three strings and shape similar to violin. The Mazanka was used in Greater Poland and Lubusz Land.
KOZIOŁ This instrument refers to several variants of bagpipe native to a region of Poland surrounding the city of Zbąszyń. Polish bagpipes (Dudy Wielkopolskie). Dudy wielkopolskie (man) and kozioł czarny (woman)
THERE ARE TWO TYPES OF KOZIOŁ The kozioł biały (or kozioł weselny) features a drone with a projecting horn, and is inflated with bellows rather than the mouth. The name (literally "white goat") comes from the use of a hair-out goat's hide for the pipebag, and this is often complemented by a carved wooden goat's head ornamenting the stock of the chanter. The instrument was widely popular in Poland historically, and was even played in the court of King Christian IV.
KOZIOŁ The kozioł czarny ("black goat") is also known as kozioł ślubny ("wedding goat"), in reference to the place where it is commonly played. Like the kozioł biały it is also bellows-blown and has a single drone with a projecting horn. However, it is made from the hide of a black-haired goat, and is also smaller than the kozioł biały.
SKRZYPCE DIABELSKIE The devil’s violin
SKRZYPCE DIABELSKIE This instument shape similar to broom! There is a fearful devil’s mask (bushy hair) at the top of the long trunk. Skrzypce diabelskie ( The devil’s violin) –‘consists of a string attached to two edges of a stick, supported by a resonator of a wooden trunk. This trunk amplifies the sounds produced by the vibrating string. The sound can changein pitch depending on the tension with which the string is plucked by finger or by a small piece of wood’.( Czekanowska, ‘Polish folk music: Slavonic heritage, Polish tradition, contemporary trends’ CUP,2006).
ZŁÓBCOKI Złóbcoki, Ethnographic Museum, Warsaw.
ZŁÓBCOKI Another common instrument - a simple carved string instrument resembling a basic fiddle is called ‘złóbcoki’. Four different złóbcoki from the collection of the Ethnographic Museum in Warsaw are presented on the previous slide. (photo by M.A. Harley, 1997).
SOURCE MATERIALS - Anna Czekanowska: ‘Polish folk music : Slavonic heritage, Polish tradition, contemporary trends’ CUP,2006) www.