European Aeronautics Science Network EASN Workshop – Brno, Czech Republic, January The present workshop aims to contribute for meeting the challenge of the optimum involvement of Member States and their regions in European Aeronautics, including the full involvement of the technology supply chain in Aeronautics, and improved co-operation between national and cross national aeronautics research activities THE ROLE AND THE CHANCES OF EUROPE‘S UNIVERSITIES IN THE COMMUNITY THEMATIC PRIORITY AERONAUTICS AND SPACE OF THE EU FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME
European Aeronautics Science Network EASN Workshop – Brno, Czech Republic, January Integrating all Member States and ensuring the continuous contribution of the entire technology supply chain in aeronautics research is crucial for making Europe the most competitive region in the world in Aeronautics. THE ROLE AND THE CHANCES OF EUROPE‘S UNIVERSITIES IN THE COMMUNITY THEMATIC PRIORITY AERONAUTICS AND SPACE OF THE EU FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME (CONTINUED)
European Aeronautics Science Network EASN Workshop – Brno, Czech Republic, January There is much to be gained by considering the needs of the entire technology supply chain when realizing the EU Framework for Aeronautics and Space as well as by involving all Member States and relevant regions in FP6. THE ROLE AND THE CHANCES OF EUROPE‘S UNIVERSITIES IN THE COMMUNITY THEMATIC PRIORITY AERONAUTICS AND SPACE OF THE EU FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME (CONTINUED)
European Aeronautics Science Network EASN Workshop – Brno, Czech Republic, January Objectives of the Workshop to discuss what is the role of the Universities in Europe’s Aeronautics Research chain to identify the problems, which make difficult for the Universities to play their essential role in the European Aeronautics Research Chain to initiate a dialogue for suggesting appropriate solutions to face these problems to discuss what are the Chances of Europe’s Universities in the Community Thematic Priority Aeronautics and Space of the European Union Framework Programme to create a basis for long term and solid collaboration