SIGNS OF PUBERTY (Male) Voice Deepens Shoulders Broaden Sex drive increases Body hair develops
Male Reproductive Anatomy & Physiology External Genitals Scrotum- protects and regulates temperature of testes and sperm. Penis- male sex organ, made of erectile tissue, deposits semen.
Male Reproductive Anatomy & Physiology Internal Genitals Testes- produce male sex hormone (testosterone) & sperm. Epididymis- sperm are stored here days and mature. Vas Deferens- passage for sperm to travel (Vasectomy-cutting or clamping of Vas Deferens) Urethra- passageway for both urine and semen.
Male Reproductive Anatomy & Physiology Internal (continued) -3 glands that make semen: Seminal Vesicle- secretes fluid to nourish sperm. Prostate Gland- #1 site of cancer in men over 50, secretes fluid to help sperm travel. Cowper’s Gland- pea shaped gland that cleanses the urethra prior to ejaculation.
Semen/Sperm (What’s the Difference?) Semen- combination of nourishing fluid and sperm, vehicle for sperm to travel. Sperm- male sex cell, contains ½ of instructions needed for development (DNA). Where does the other ½ come from?
MALE REP. SYSTEM Castration- removal of testes (cancer) Vasectomy- cutting or clamping of vas deferens Hernia- part of the intestine protrudes into scrotum through a weakness in abdominal wall
Review Questions 1. What are 4 signs of puberty in male? 2. Testosterone is produced where? 3. Name the internal genitals? What are there functions? 4. Difference between semen and sperm? 5. Identify each part of the Male Rep. System?