2 Enabling Learning Objective F Action: Given a situation involving two- way radio failure, the student will identify the appropriate pilot actions.
3 Lost Commo Procedures During two-way radio communications failure, when confronted with a situation not covered in the regulation, pilots are expected to exercise good judgement in whatever action they elect to take.
4 Lost Commo Procedures Check Radios Try another radio Try another frequency Have Co-pilot try to contact ATC Go back to last frequency Attempt contact on emergency frequency Place transponder to 7600 Turn volume up on Navigation receivers.
5 Lost Commo Procedures Encountering VMC conditions During VMC flight conditions Maintain VMC Land as soon as practicable Notify ATC
6 Lost Commo Procedures Route Selection During IMC flight conditionsDuring IMC flight conditions As assignedAs assigned ExpectedExpected FiledFiled VectorsVectors
7 Lost Commo Procedures Route: As assigned – Proceed as directed in the last ATC clearance received Proceed as directed in the last ATC clearance received
8 Lost Commo Procedures Route: Radar Vector – Proceed by a direct route from the point of radio failure to the fix, route or airway specified in the vector clearance
9 Lost Commo Procedures Route: (None Assigned) - Proceed by the route ATC has advised may be expected in a further clearance OR: In the absence of an assigned route or a route that ATC has advised may be expected in a further clearance, proceed by the route filed in the flight plan.
10 Lost Commo Procedures Altitudes In IMC flight conditions, the altitude maintained shall be the HIGHEST of Last Assigned Expected Minimum IFR altitude for the route segment being flown
11 Lost Commo Altitudes 3000* *2500 ABCDEF X Fly at the Highest of the Following for the Route Segment: A. The Altitude Assigned in the Last ATC Clearance Received B. The Minimum Altitude For IFR Operation (e.g. MEA MOCA) C.The Altitude ATC has Advised may be expected in a further clearance clearance “Army Climb and maintain 4000 expect 6000 at Bravo.” X MCA 7000
12 Lost Commo Altitudes *2500 ABCDEF X Fly at the Highest of the Following for the Route Segment: A. The altitude assigned in the last ATC clearance received B. The minimum altitude For IFR operation (e.g. MEA MOCA) C. The Altitude ATC has advised may be expected in a further clearance “Army climb and maintain Expect 2500 at Echo.” X MCA 7000
13 DISNEY DSY PRINCE PNC SNEZY SNOW WHITE SNW DOPEY GRUMP SLEPY 3000 X COMMO LOST X “Army climb and maintain Expect 4000 at Slepy. MCA 6000
14 DISNEY DSY PRINCE PNC SNEZY SNOW WHITE SNW DOPEY GRUMP SLEPY 3000 X COMMO LOST X “Army climb and maintain Expect 4000 at Slepy. MCA 6000
15 DISNEY DSY PRINCE PNC SNEZY SNOW WHITE SNW DOPEY GRUMP SLEPY 2000 X COMMO LOST MCA 6000 X “Army climb and maintain Expect 3000 at Grump.” MCA 6000
17 CAIRNS OZR EUFAULA EUF MONTGOME RY MGM BANBI WIREGRAS S RRS CLIOS SHADY Clearance “ATC clears Army to the Montgomery Airport as filed. On departure climb and maintain Expect 4000 at Banbi……….” Amended Clearance “Army climb and maintain 3000.” If a subsequent altitude clearance does not include the “expect 4000”, issued previously, the expected altitude clearance is considered cancelled.
19 Lost Commo Procedures Clearance Limit: –When the clearance limit is a fix from which an approach begins: Commence descent and approach as close as possible to the EFC if one has been received. If an EFC has not been received commence descent and approach as close as possible to the ETA as calculated from the filed or amended ETA.
20 CLEARANCE LIMIT - A fix from which an approach begins (IAF)
21 CLEARANCE LIMIT - Wiregrass VORTAC EFC time - 16:15 Arrival time - 16:06 Destination - Cairns
22 CLEARANCE LIMIT - Cairns VOR EFC time - 16:15 Arrival time - 16:18 Destination -Cairns
23 CLEARANCE LIMIT - Cairns VOR EFC time - None Arrival time - 16:10 ETA - 16:20 Destination - Cairns
24 Lost Communications Procedures Clearance Limit –When the clearance limit is not a fix from which the approach begins: Leave the clearance limit at the EFC time if one has been received. If an EFC has not been received, proceed to a fix from which the approach begins and commence descent and approach as close as possible to the ETA as calculated from the filed flight plan or as amended with ATC.
26 Clearance limit - Shady Intersection EFC time - 20:45 Arrival time - 20:37
27 Clearance limit - Shady Intersection EFC time - 20:45 Arrival time - 20:46
28 Clearance limit - Shady Intersection EFC time - None received Arrival time - 20:40
29 Original clearance limit – Montgomery Airport Last ATC instructions prior to commo loss: “Army cleared to Shady. Hold Southeast of Shady on Victor 7 Expect further clearance at 20:50.” Arrival time - 20:40
30 Clearance limit – Montgomery Airport Last ATC instructions prior to commo loss: “Army expect to hold at Shady”. Arrival time - 20:40
31 If the clearance limit is a fix from which an approach begins AND holding is necessary, hold as follows:
32 Lost Communications Procedures Terminal Holding fix: –If arriving at the approach fix before the ETA hold until the ETA as calculated from the filed flight plan or amended with ATC: Arrival Holding Pattern Holding Pattern in lieu of Procedure Turn On the final approach course on the Procedure Turn side On the arrival course
33 Arrival Holding Pattern
34 Holding Pattern in Lieu of Procedure Turn
35 Holding on the Final Approach Course Procedure Turn Side
36 If more than one approach fix is available, the pilot may choose the one most appropriate for the situation, as ATC protects airspace at all of them.
38 At Destination MAP - Runway or Runway Environment NOT in sight Uh-Oh! (This is definitely NOT your day!)
40 Alternate Routing and ETE Begin at the Missed Approach Point To the missed approach holding point One holding pattern (for fuel planning) Then by the most direct reasonable routing to the IAF at the alternate PLUS the approach at the alternate.
41 Routing to the Alternate Destination - Eufaula Alternate - Dothan Fly to alternate using the MEA appropriate for the route segment being flown.
42 No reasonably direct airway routing available Determine Minimum Altitude for IFR Routing to the Alternate Destination – Andalusia Alternate - Cairns
43 Lost Commo during Radar Approach If no transmissions are heard in the time specified by the controller: 1. Attempt contact on alternate frequency. 2. If unable, maintain VMC - or - 3. Execute the lost commo procedures as previously directed by ATC. 4. If no altitude was specified, climb to MSA or ESA.
44 Lost Communications Procedures Altimeter Settings:Altimeter Settings: –If able obtain the destination altimeter setting from ATIS. –If not able to obtain the destination altimeter setting use the minimum altimeter setting forecasted for the destination from the DD Form
45 Special Military Procedures Aircraft on a flight in which a delay enroute is planned will commence descent at the destination at the estimated time of arrival derived from the estimated time enroute plus any delay for which an ATC clearance has been received.
47 Consider an Alternate Career and talk on a CB radio without all those silly rules!!! Every day is a new gear-jamming, double clutching,air horn blasting, pedal to the metal adventure! DIAL BIG-TRUK No initial contact. No position reports. No compulsory reporting points. No worries about those pesky mandatory altitudes, and Smokey’s the only radar you need to sweat!!!