How Suite It Is: Collaborative Tech Suites in an Academic Library Amy Ricci, Assistant Director, Academic Technology Center Matt Hall, Assistant Director, George C. Gordon Library WPI
WPI 2,861 undergrads2,861 undergrads 1,042 grad student1,042 grad student 324 full and part-time faculty324 full and part-time faculty Majors in Engineering, Science & ManagementMajors in Engineering, Science & Management Students come from 44 states and 46 countriesStudents come from 44 states and 46 countries
What is a Tech Suite?
Background Based on ACELABs at Bentley: on ACELABs at Bentley: Library had traditionally accommodated student project groupsLibrary had traditionally accommodated student project groups Library space available due to renovationsLibrary space available due to renovations
Space Planning
Tech Suite Equipment 50” plasma display50” plasma display Dedicated networked PCDedicated networked PC VHS VCRVHS VCR DVD playerDVD player Four network ports and wireless coverageFour network ports and wireless coverage Two laptop hookups to the displayTwo laptop hookups to the display Table and chairs for 6 peopleTable and chairs for 6 people Approximately $16,000 per tech suiteApproximately $16,000 per tech suite Cables, webcams, and microphones available for checkoutCables, webcams, and microphones available for checkout
WPI’s IT Division CIO Computing and Communications Center Academic Technology Center Gordon Library
IT Collaboration ATC provides the equipment and furniture; does the installationATC provides the equipment and furniture; does the installation Library provides space, daily responsibility for rooms, scheduling, and securityLibrary provides space, daily responsibility for rooms, scheduling, and security CCC maintains images; troubleshootsCCC maintains images; troubleshoots ATC/Library staff promote tech suites to students and to faculty through the IT Liaison ProgramATC/Library staff promote tech suites to students and to faculty through the IT Liaison Program
Quality Control
Tech Suite “Kits”
How Students Learn Today Most learning activity for students takes place outside the classroomMost learning activity for students takes place outside the classroom Social interaction is a growing part of learningSocial interaction is a growing part of learning Technology is naturalTechnology is natural Students construct content rather than just consume itStudents construct content rather than just consume it
Trends in Collaborative Learning More real world issues are becoming interdisciplinary in natureMore real world issues are becoming interdisciplinary in nature Learning Commons - Learning spaces beyond the classroom that sustain the learning experienceLearning Commons - Learning spaces beyond the classroom that sustain the learning experience
WPI’s Project-based Curriculum Students complete two major group projects in their undergraduate programs, outside of regular class work.Students complete two major group projects in their undergraduate programs, outside of regular class work. Groupwork becoming increasingly common for regular class assignments.Groupwork becoming increasingly common for regular class assignments.
Tech Suite Uses Project groupsProject groups Library instruction sessionsLibrary instruction sessions Web conferencingWeb conferencing OtherOther
Project Groups Collaborative planning and writing sessionsCollaborative planning and writing sessions Practice presentationsPractice presentations
Library Instruction Sessions
Web Conferencing Interactive, live eventsInteractive, live events Shared graphics, documents, screensShared graphics, documents, screens VoIPVoIP Videoconferencing capabilitiesVideoconferencing capabilities Kits with webcams and microphones are checked out at the circulation deskKits with webcams and microphones are checked out at the circulation desk Used by project groups to meet with project sponsors off campusUsed by project groups to meet with project sponsors off campus
Student Surveys
Usage Trends Year# of Suites# of Sign-outsTurnaways ( June launch ) (1/2 year) (3/4 year) 107 (3/4 year)
Don’t Get Too Suite Is this what your user community wants?Is this what your user community wants? Line of sight issuesLine of sight issues
The Future of the Tech Suites Investigating online reservation systemInvestigating online reservation system Space for 3 more tech suites in the library – pending on fundingSpace for 3 more tech suites in the library – pending on funding Possibly adding IP videoconferencing in at least one roomPossibly adding IP videoconferencing in at least one room Possibly providing videotaping kits for students to record practice presentationsPossibly providing videotaping kits for students to record practice presentations Upgrade/replacement cycleUpgrade/replacement cycle
Four tech suites being added to a new dormFour tech suites being added to a new dorm The Future of the Tech Suites
Student Perspective
Sources for Additional Information Brown, Malcom B, and Joan K. Lippincott. “Learning Spaces: More than Meets the Eye.” Educause Quarterly 26.1 (2003): Wilson, Maureen E. “Teaching, Learning, and Millennial Students.” New Directions for Student Services (2004):
For Additional Information Matt Hall at Amy Ricci at