My Ancestry By Murphy Paul
Dedication To my sister, parents, and grandparents. Thank you for helping me. With love.
My Family Tree I will be researching my mother’s side of the tree.
Where Did My Ancestors Originate? My ancestors came from Goa, India. Here are some facts about Goa, India. Goa is a Portuguese colony. Goa is located in western India, and is the smallest state. Goa is the richest state in India. The capital of Goa is Panaji. Goa is a major tourist destination.
This is a picture of my grandfather’s family. This is my grandfather.
Why Did My Ancestors Immigrate to America and Texas? My heritage is not a simple one country story. I am Portuguese Indian because my ancestors came from Portugal and married Indians. My grandfather actually has family in Goa today. The second part is that my great-grandparent left India as others did for opportunity in East Africa because it was all under British rule and they could move back and forth. My grandma was born in Mombasa, Kenya and my grandpa was born in Nairobi, Kenya. They left in 1969 for the U.S. for more opportunities. Asians left to either Europe or America. He moved to Texas because he had a pen pal who lived in San Antonio, Texas and he was also Portuguese Indian like my grandparents. My grandfather left his whole family and moved to America. Goa, India Nairobi, Kenya San Antonio, Texas
How Did They Get Here? My grandfather traveled by air on July , and he entered at J.F.K. International Airport in New York. Only after my grandfather got a place to stay and a job would he be able to send for my grandmother and my mom who was only a toddler to join him in America. They arrived October 24, A funny story was my grandmother heard a foreign language being spoke all around her and was terrified she landed at the wrong country. She asked one of the authorities whether if she was in America. The answer, “Yes, that is all those Puerto Ricans who immigrated to America and work at the airport.”
Where Did My Grandparents Settle? My grandparents first settled in San Antonio, Texas.
This is a picture of my mom, my grandmother, and my grandfather. My grandmother My mother My grandfather
How Did My Grandfather Make a Living? After going through several job interviews and rejections my grandfather was interviewed by the Service Manager of Motor Imports Inc. They serviced the Fiat, MG, Jaguar, and Ferrari. The man who interviewed my grandfather offered him a job the next day only if he should shave his beard. It was in the 1960’s (hippie generation) and beards were not common. If you had one you were a hippie. Nobody else bothered to tell him. The Service Manager Of Motor Imports My grandfather His boss
This a picture of my grandfather working.
Cultural Traditions Some cultural traditions that have been passed through the generations are foods of rice being our main meal and curries and rices. Another tradition is religion. We are of Christian faith.
My Last Name My mom’s maiden is D’Souza which is a very common Portuguese name. It came to me when the Portuguese intermarrying with Indians. My great-grandfather Richard Lawson was somehow orphaned and was raised by a family whose last name was Paul. My great-grandfather didn’t officially realize his last was Lawson until he was a fully grown man age 35 so he kept Paul.
Origin Of My Name My first name is Murphy because my mom wanted an Irish name after my sister’s British name. My middle name is named after my grandfather Victor.
Interesting Facts The whole story I think is interesting because my ancestors actually moved back and forth and got to America. It was interesting to find where my great-grandparents were born. A funny story is that my grandfather had a car with no back windshield and once that car broke down on the freezing highway at night with my grandfather and my mom. My grandfather actually fixed it and got home. I found it interesting that my last name should be Lawson.
Present Day My grandfather still lives in San Antonio, Texas and owns his own business in San Antonio. He repairs cars and specializes in Jaguars. He business is still running and has been there for 30 years.
Outside View
Inside View
Resources Interviews Antonio D’Souza (call, text, ) Claudine D’Souza (call, text, ) Lyle Paul (call, text) Marilyn Paul (call) Dolores Paul Sam Paul (call, text) Websites