1.Who? 2.What? 3.When? 4.Where? 5.Why?
Is it clear who has written the information? Is the website associated with an organization? Can you contact the website author by a phone or snail mail address? Can I verify that the author or organization is credible?
Is the information on the website biased? Does it advertise a product or service? Is it trying to change how you think? Does the site offer more than one viewpoint? Is the purpose of the website clear? Does the site offer links to other sites with further resources?
What date or time was the website last updated? Look on bottom of page Use browser to find out date Do the links on the website work?
Where does the information come from? Examine the URL.eduEducational institution.comCommercial business.orgNon-profit organization or other.netNetwork providers or organizations.govGovernment agencies.milU.S. military site or agency
Why was the site created? Why is this information useful for my purpose? Why should I use this information? Am I able to verify this information? Why is this page better than another?
In groups of 2 or 3 you will evaluate one of the websites listed below: