The many possibilities CREATING A FAIRY TALE
WHAT IS A FAIRY TALE? “A fairy tale is a fictional story that may feature folkloric characters (such as fairies, goblins, elves, trolls, witches, giants, and talking animals) and enchantments, often involving a far-fetched sequence of events. The term is also used to describe something blessed with unusual happiness, as in "fairy tale ending" (a happy ending) or "fairy tale romance," though not all fairy tales end happily. Fairy tales are a genre in literature. They have their roots in the oral tradition. Fairy tales with very similar plots, characters, and motifs are found spread across many different cultures. Fairy tales also tend to take on the color of their location, through the choice of motifs, the style in which they are told, and the depiction of character and local color.”
The students will research and create their own fairy tale to be presented to the classroom. Parents will be invited to the presentations of the fairy tales. Before creating his own fairy tale, a student must: Research different components of fairy tales to understand the need for conflict, resolution, and the idea of main characters. Write a fairy tale story using Microsoft Word and obtain teacher approval. Use Microsoft PowerPoint and create a Fairy Tale to be created for the enjoyment of the younger students within the school. YOUR OWN FAIRY TALE: YOUR OWN IMAGINATION
What goes into a fairy tale? RESEARCHING FAIRY TALES
COMMON MOTIFS Talking animals/ objects Cleverness/trickster/word games Traveler ’ s tales Origins—where do WE come from? Triumph of the poor Weakness explored: curiosity, pride,laziness Strengths glorified: kindness, generosity Hyperbole Youngest v. Oldest Impossible tasks Gluttony/Starvation Opening new doors Donors/Helpers Monsters/Dragons Guardians: Fairy Godmothers, mentors,magical helpers
How your story will be interpreted… Jungian Archetypes Man ’ s collective subconscious, collective dream, shared experiences, deepestdesires, and fears. Feminist Theory Aims to understand the nature of inequality and focuses on gender politics, andsexuality. Themes for this include:discrimination, stereotyping, oppression,and patriarchy. Historical Analysis This idea is a way to see tales as a condition to preserve history, legends, or cultures ofa society. Moral Lessons Most Fairy Tales end with a lesson about good/bad, right/wrong, orperseverance/triumph
When constructing your fairy tale, piece it together carefully. LAYING THE MORTAR
Make Sure to Include: Setting: This story takes place in? The Characters Are? Male, Female, Animals The Conflict Is? Be creative, please. What Happens: First Next Last “Fairy tales are more than true; not because they tell us dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten.” -Neil Gaiman
Cinderella Elves and the Shoemaker Emperor’s New Clothes Frog-Prince The Gingerbread Man Goldilocks and the Three Bears Hansel and Gretel Little Red Riding Hood Pinoccchio The timeless collection includes…
Your fairy tale is an open book…