Background Considerable research commissioned by Water Research Commission (WRC) into different aspects of rainwater harvesting and conservation for food production
Underlying Concerns and Opportunities Wealth of information, but limited awareness and availability Information in forms and on platforms not easily accessed Recent droughts highlighting need for better water management Climate change prognoses for SA indicating reduced precipitation in west and central areas Increased recognition of potential of rainwater harvesting and conservation as contribution to better water management Increasing focus globally on ‘Climate Smart’ agriculture (FAO) ‘Conservation Agriculture’ policy under development by DAFF and research by ARC
Aims of Project To review available knowledge products, with emphasis on agriculture water and food production learning materials developed with WRC funding, leading to the design of possible training DVDs (videos) and the design of related knowledge products. To pilot and design knowledge mediation processes through intensive engagement with selected Agricultural Colleges to inform a national strategy that will target a wider group of learning and training organisations. To pilot and design a mass media strategy leading to a listing of contents of a radio/low cost media content manual for the effective inclusion of available agriculture water knowledge into existing low cost media channels. To develop a national strategy for agricultural water knowledge dissemination for smallholder farmers and food-growers using the tools and processes developed in the project.
Activities Review and analysis of materials Focus on 2 sets of materials: o Water Harvesting and Conservation (Denison et al) o Agricultural Water Use in Homestead Gardening Systems (Kruger et al) Development of Training of Trainers Course Establishment and support of Learning Networks…. Development of ‘Navigation Tool’‘Navigation Tool’ Development of auxiliary materials (infocards, handouts, posters, videos) Establishment of Website ( and associated Facebook
Opportunities for Innovation Techniques and practices described in the materials can be applied as they stand Important to understand the principles Use principles to innovate and develop systems appropriate to own context Share the innovations with others through Amanzi for Food and other media
We want to create a Learning Network of capacitated facilitators who are well versed in rainwater harvesting and soil and water conservation techniques so that we can harness the available water in our communities in the best ways possible. Offering 2 day practical training courses for facilitators from a range of stakeholders groups Intro to WH&C In field WH&C techniques Intensive homestead water management Building small dams VLSA and Amanzi for Food
Small dams courses x 2; NGOs and community based, Agricultural College
Engaging with the Project Via the Website (and linked websites) and Facebook Through connection with the Learning Networks Establishing own Learning Network Undertaking Training of Trainers Course (probably later in 2016) - also plans to make this a virtual, web-based course Contact Tel: Environmental Learning Research Centre, Rhodes University Po Box 94, Grahamstown, 6140