“Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?” By, Joyce Carol Oates Thematic Concepts through Jigsaw Analysis PROVACATIVE QUESTION: To what extent can "Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been" be identified as a a tale of a perception vs. reality, coming of age, or flawed character? PROVACATIVE QUESTION: To what extent can "Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been" be identified as a a tale of a perception vs. reality, coming of age, or flawed character?
HW Review: Thematic Concepts
Check-In: Critical Analysis “The narrative has been viewed as an allegory for initiation into adulthood, an encounter with the devil, a protagonist who can undergo a healthy dose of psychoanalytic criticism, or as a dream sequence.” –ALLEGORY: an extended metaphor; a story, that can be interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning, typically a moral or political one. PQ: To what extent can "Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been" be identified as a a tale of a perception vs. reality, coming of age, or flawed character? Which Criticism do I feel is most accurate, most precise, or most identifiable to my own interpretation of the story?
JIGSAW READING COLLABORATION To what extent can "Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been" be identified as a a tale of a perception vs. reality, coming of age, or flawed character? In the of Conflict“In Summary”“OH…What a Character” Explain the significance of the conflict in the story and how it drives character interactions and motivations. TASK- based on the critical analysis statement, what is the TRUE conflict (Internal/External) of Oates’ fairy tale gone wrong. Student Take: "It seems the fight within/inside Connie created the conflict she finds herself in with Arnold." (Georgia) Summarize the most significant plot events that drive the story to resolution. TASK - AVOID PLOT SUMMARY - focus on story as a cautionary tale; avoid generic summations and direct responses to in-depth analysis. Student Take: "Whether its a dream or not, its almost like Connie put herself in this situation so Oates is probably telling the story as a warning." (Sheltaun) Describe ONE character and how he/she shapes the central ideas/thematic concepts of the story. TASK - using your Cornell notes & characterization sheets respond with in-depth analysis of Arnold & Connie - avoid vague responses such as "Connie is a girl". Student Take: "Oates describes the characters in depth but you can learn more about them from other characters like Connie's mom & Ellie." (Rana)
JIGSAW READING COLLABORATION To what extent can "Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been" be identified as a a tale of a perception vs. reality, coming of age, or flawed character? “Important Passages”“Literary Devices”“Historical Context” TASK - Cite at least TWO important lines of text that could be used as analysis for any of our thematic concepts. Student Take: "It seems like every line in this story has some sort of bigger importance." (Frank) "You can tell something bad is going to happen in the 1 st line. ‘Her name WAS Connie’ - so she is no longer with us." (Katherine) TASK - Explain ONE-TWO literary devices used in the story and how they used to further deeper meaning. Student Take: Mariam: ”Connie said Arnold’s voice was the same as the DJ on the radio, so Oates is saying that the whole thing isn’t real." (Allusion) TASK - Explain ONE historical connection to the story (Either Charles Schmid, Bob Dylan, Biblical references). Student Take: "MIANO I WANT THE EXTRA CREDIT 'CAUSE I FOUND THE MEANING BEHIND THE #'s ON HIS CAR." (Megan making a reference to the biblical connection)
Jigsaw Analysis Task: Reading Groups will piece together their understanding of Oats’ story through discussion & analysis of jigsaw strategies. Groups choose THREE of the SIX to respond to. To what extent can "Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been" be identified as a a tale of a perception vs. reality, coming of age, or flawed character?
Activity 2 - Individual Response & Analysis Based on your argument on the intent (author’s purpose) Joyce Carol Oates set out for, which thematic concept would you attach to "Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?" Based on your discussion & responses in group jigsaw, where does your current argument stand? Compare your initial analysis yesterday to where you are today. Has your response from yesterday’s poll changed? Strengthened?...How so? Which new evidence changed your opinion? Strengthens your argument? To what extent did discussion/response today change your mind or reinforce your initial argument? Based on your argument on the intent (author’s purpose) Joyce Carol Oates set out for, which thematic concept would you attach to "Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?" Based on your discussion & responses in group jigsaw, where does your current argument stand? Compare your initial analysis yesterday to where you are today. Has your response from yesterday’s poll changed? Strengthened?...How so? Which new evidence changed your opinion? Strengthens your argument? To what extent did discussion/response today change your mind or reinforce your initial argument? To what extent can "Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been" be identified as a a tale of a perception vs. reality, coming of age, or flawed character?
Homework: Thematic Taxi A-C-E Writing Organizer For HW – Due Wednesday, 12/17 Insert Student Model To what extent can "Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been" be identified as a tale of a perception vs. reality, coming of age, or flawed character?
“I CAN” Learning Objective 1: Work in collaborative groups to build an analysis & interpretation of "Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?” Learning Objective 2: Argue author’s purpose & intent by identifying the story as a specific thematic concept To what extent can "Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been" be identified as a a tale of a perception vs. reality, coming of age, or flawed character?