By the Richmond City Auditor’s Office Key Strategies to Work with Investigative Entities
Three Type of Investigations Criminal Investigations Criminal Investigations Civil Investigations Civil Investigations Administrative Investigations Administrative Investigations 2
Criminal Investigations and prosecutions Criminal intent must be present Criminal intent must be present Illegal act or wrongdoing such as theft or bribery may need to be criminally prosecuted Illegal act or wrongdoing such as theft or bribery may need to be criminally prosecuted Need to prove the offense beyond reasonable doubt Need to prove the offense beyond reasonable doubt Employee cannot be prosecuted in absence of malice Work with District Attorney or US attorney depending upon source of funds lost Work with District Attorney or US attorney depending upon source of funds lost 3
Civil investigations and litigation In case of monitory loss you may want to pursue civil investigation Lower level of evidence required Work with the City Attorney’s Office 4
Administrative investigations and disciplinary process Violation of policies and procedures Disciplinary action up to termination Be able to convince management about policy violations Work with supervisors, department directors or City/County management 5
Factors to be considered for various types of investigations The size of the loss involved whether the loss stems from multiple events or by an isolated incident Strength of the case The Department’s objective of achieving general deterrence 6
Work with Prosecutors/ City Attorney Get prosecutor’s/ City Attorney’s input Thoroughly document Prepare detailed case notes Prepare a summary of all case notes Walk the prosecutors through your documentation and evidence 7
Questions? 8