February 21, 2012
General Information Utility staff is not aware of any mandate from city ordinance or state statute to provide water and sewer services following an annexation. During former annexations, citizens have been advised that water and sewer services might not be available. In the last twenty four years, no potential customers have been promised or led to believe that such services would be made available specifically because of annexation by Utility staff. Some Arkansas residents seem to confuse Texas statutes (which do provide services following annexations) with Arkansas rules and statutes. Almost all residents want sewer services but a great many are satisfied with their wells and do not want City water or solid waste services. Arkansas regulations from the Department of Health and the ADEQ mandate that certain standards be maintained where water and sanitary sewer services are provided. Texarkana, Arkansas ordinances require any structure within 300 feet of a water or sanitary sewer main to be connected.( Sec )
General Sewer Service Plan: Texarkana, Arkansas Long Term Plan - 20 to 30 years Very Expensive Current sewer system must be maintained Any plan is unlikely to please everyone Population density is the problem
Overall Cost Estimate Current Dollars
Cost Projection by Area Area II $23,598,750 Area III $19,575,300 Area IV $12,773,450 __________ $55,947,500 Average cost per structure to provide sewer service to these areas is $30,589. IV III II
How to Progress?? Any number of plans can be formulated but all will require a long period of time and hard choices. Annual projects can be adopted at budget time with new main extension projects funded through the Capital Improvement Fund and old infrastructure replaced through the Infrastructure Fund based on condition and growth. Expansion of the North Texarkana WWTP, construction of a new East WWTP and upgrade of the South Regional WWTP* may require bond issues. Connection and/or use of available sewer, water and solid waste services needs to be strictly enforced. Cooperation of Public Works, TWU and the City Attorney can put such a program in place.
How to progress? (continued) The Board of Directors may want to determine if pro rata connection to services will be a part of the program to extend services to their customers as currently provided by ordinance. The Board of Directors may want to decide if a low- interest loan, to be repaid monthly on the water bill, should be a part of the overall program to provide water and sewer services, especially to low income families who own the homes.
Current Projects for Consideration 1. Broadmoor/Pinson Area Sewer Rehabilitation 2. University of Arkansas Way/Clay Pit Road Sewer Extension. Part A and Part B 3. Clay Pit Road/East 50 th /East Broad Water Extension. Part A and Part B PLEASE NOTE: Utility staff does not necessarily recommend all of these projects. These three projects can be funded from the Capital Improvement and Infrastructure Funds in addition to the specific projects already listed in these funds. Engineering will be done by the TWU Engineering Division.
Broadmoor/Pinson Sewer Rehabilitation
Broadmoor/Pinson Cost Estimate Estimates are very conservative (worst case scenario) and bids may come in 5% to 20% less than shown for these projects. All projects would be bid and come back to the Board for final approval. This project could be designed, bid and returned to the Board for review by the first meeting in May. If approved, construction could begin in June and completed in four months.
University of Arkansas Way/ Clay Pit Road Sewer Extension Part A (Green) Part B (Green) Part A Estimate - $197,533 Four current potential customers Part B Estimate - $142,532 Six potential customers Total Project - $340,065
University of Arkansas Way and East Broad Water Extension Part A and Part B Part A Blue green Part B (Purple) A. Part A Estimate $55,000 B. Part B Estimate $48,950 Total Project $103,950 Note 1: Part A. will serve three customers for $55,000. Note2: Part B will complete another water loop for fire protection to the Fair Grounds and U of A as well as eliminates a dead end water main.
Locations Bearing Some Resemblance to the East 50 th Request for Water There are 12 locations that bear some resemblance to the East 50 th request for water, i. e. not served by a water main but within 300 feet of where a water main could be constructed. The cost to extend water mains to these twelve locations is estimated to be $120,375 plus customer costs of approximately $1000 per customer for meter taps and sets.
Residences Currently Not Connected to Water and Often Not Paying Solid Waste Two weeks ago,the Utility sent out letters to connect to water service within one year to 96 residents currently not connected to water service but who are within 300 feet of a water main per the current ordinance. There is some strong resistance to connect to water service and many of these individuals are not paying solid waste fees but their solid waste is being collected. Another 39 residences are currently vacant and not connected to available water service. Condemned buildings have been excluded.
Unusual Circumstances There are other circumstances under which residences are not known to be connected to water. 1. Residences within 300 feet of water main but “landlocked” by other property owners.(approximately 32) 2. Long side, major highway connections (24 known locations) These residents will receive a letter to connect unless the Board directs otherwise. This circumstance increases the cost from approximately $ plumber to $ plumber. 3. Residences more than 300 feet from water main (approximately 43). 4. Multiple residences connected to a single meter ( unknown number of locations) 5. Illegal connections (unknown number of locations)
Possible Actions 1. A consensus of the Board to proceed with design and bidding of the three projects or portions of these projects that the Board wishes returned to it for final consideration. 2. A consensus for the Utility to work with the City Attorney and Public Works Department to structure a program to notify and work with citizens to connect and/or use required water, sewer and solid waste services as per ordinance and to provide such a draft program to the City Manager. 3. A consensus to provide the City Manager’s office with a draft budget amendment for the Utility to fund an existing low interest loan fund for low income citizens. 4. A consensus of whether to implement a pro rata program as a part of providing water and sewer services..