Date of download: 7/6/2016 Copyright © ASME. All rights reserved. From: Using Hydrogen as Gas Turbine Fuel: Premixed Versus Diffusive Flame Combustors.


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Presentation transcript:

Date of download: 7/6/2016 Copyright © ASME. All rights reserved. From: Using Hydrogen as Gas Turbine Fuel: Premixed Versus Diffusive Flame Combustors J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power. 2014;136(5): doi: / Variation of the isentropic expansion enthalpy drop and turbine inlet volumetric flow due to the use of hydrogen with/without diluents with respect to natural gas operation (for fixed TIT and pressure ratio). The variation is plotted as a function of the stoichiometric flame temperature when diluting hydrogen with nitrogen and steam. Figure Legend:

Date of download: 7/6/2016 Copyright © ASME. All rights reserved. From: Using Hydrogen as Gas Turbine Fuel: Premixed Versus Diffusive Flame Combustors J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power. 2014;136(5): doi: / The combined cycle-plant layout for hydrogen-fueled cases; in the upper part of the figure, the GT and HRSG are represented. The bottom part of the figure reports the plant features for the three scenarios considered: (a) premixed flame combustor, (b) diffusive flame combustor with nitrogen dilution, and (c) diffusive flame combustor with steam dilution. Figure Legend:

Date of download: 7/6/2016 Copyright © ASME. All rights reserved. From: Using Hydrogen as Gas Turbine Fuel: Premixed Versus Diffusive Flame Combustors J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power. 2014;136(5): doi: / Comparison between blade-temperature profiles of the reference case (solid line) and a modified case (dashed line), where a reduction ΔT is applied to the gas stream and to the blade material Figure Legend:

Date of download: 7/6/2016 Copyright © ASME. All rights reserved. From: Using Hydrogen as Gas Turbine Fuel: Premixed Versus Diffusive Flame Combustors J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power. 2014;136(5): doi: / (a) Combined cycle electric efficiency for all the cases at nominal TIT: the efficiency for steam- and nitrogen-diluted combustors is plotted as function of the STFT (bottom x-axis), while the efficiency for the premixed combustor is plotted as function of the combustor relative pressure loss (upper x-axis). (b) Electric efficiency for all the simulated cases as a function of the maximum blade-metal temperature; moving left to right: premixed combustor, nitrogen-diluted combustor, and steam-diluted combustor. Figure Legend: