Packaging Simulations for Transfer to Remote Locations EXAMPLE Packaging Simulations for Transfer to Remote Locations (Simulation Packager/Unpackager) FRAMES-2.0 Workshop U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Bethesda, Maryland November 15-16, 2007 Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Richland, Washington
2 IntroductionIntroduction The Packager utilities are simple tools designed to collect files associated with a FRAMES module, simulation, or system to conveniently transport them to remote locations. There are three sets of Packagers/Unpackagers: Module – All the datasets and dictionaries around a selected module Simulation – All datasets and dictionaries System – All dictionaries, units, modules, and settings. No Executables/Libraries/Batch Files
3 1.Choose Simulation Packager under the Tools Menu 2.Identify a file name with a zip extension ( 3.Store in an appropriate folder, usually where the sim file is located Simulation Packager
4 1.Choose Simulation Unpackager under the Tools Menu 2.Identify the folder location where the zip file was stored on the new computer. 3.Double click the zip file to be unpackaged ( Simulation Unpackager 1 3 2
5 SummarySummary Packaged Simulations need to be unpackaged in a folder or subfolder where FRAMES 2 resides. It is best to extract the packaged simulation to a folder in C:\Program Files\FramesV2 Presently a packaged file will not indicate which packager was used to create it. The corresponding Unpackager MUST be used to retrieve the files. Make sure that you are trying to unpackage is from the Simulation Packager, and not from any other FRAMES packager (i.e. Module or System Packager).