IBM Software Group ® Jazz Process Component —Process Template Management Thomas
IBM Software Group | Rational software 2 Process Template Management Create a Process Template Browse/Edit the Process Template Import/Export Process Template into/from repository I18N Process Template Migrate Process Template from 1.0/1.0.1 to 2.0/
IBM Software Group | Rational software 3 Process Template Management Create a process Template Create Process Template From Scratch File->New->Other->Create Process Template… Open the Process Template View, select a repository, in the context menu, select Create Process Template… Create Customized Process Template From Project Area Open the Team Artifact View, select a project area, in the context menu, select Create Template… Open the Team Organization View, select a project area, in the context menu, select Create Process Template… Open Project Area editor, from the drop down menu of the editor header,select Create Process Template…
IBM Software Group | Rational software 4 Process Template Management Edit/Browse process Template Open Process Template editor, browse the process template in the repository Open Process Template editor, edit/customize the process template in the repository
IBM Software Group | Rational software 5 Process Template Management Import/Export Process Template from repository File->Export->Team->Team Process,select a repository,and then select a process template and export the customized process template into a directory or zip file File->Import->Team->Team Process,select a repository,and select the process template directory or zip file into repository Open Process Template View,select a repository or Process Template,right click and then click Export/Import
IBM Software Group | Rational software 6 Process Template Management I18N process Template Edit the Process Template with translatable string key/value in the process template editor Extract the translatable string key/value into Properties files: In the Process Template editor, open the Links page,add the files as attachment work item fields, reports, dashboards, process preconditions, role names, iteration names should be externalized in the process template
IBM Software Group | Rational software 7 Process Template Management I18N Process Template Rule What to be externalized process name, description and summary role names and descriptions precondition names and descriptions followup action names and descriptions work item type names work item query names and descriptions workflow names dashboard and dashboard viewlet descriptions work item aliases work item enumeration literals work item quick information titles work item states, actions and resolutions dashboard titles and categories dashboard viewlet titles I18N Process Template Rule What not to be externalized process ID role ID work item type IDs workflow IDs within a workitemCategoryBinding trim values within viewlet elements "true" and "false"
IBM Software Group | Rational software 8 Process Template Management Migrate Process Template from 1.0/1.0.1 to 2.0/ Migration Tool Usage migrateTemplate –fromFile -toFile
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