Centre for Parallel Computing Tamas Kiss Centre for Parallel Computing A Distributed Rendering Service Tamas Kiss Centre for Parallel Computing Research Group
Centre for Parallel Computing Tamas Kiss Centre for Parallel Computing What is Distributed Rendering? There is someone who is more qualified than I am to talk about this
Centre for Parallel Computing Tamas Kiss Centre for Parallel Computing 1.New Cavendish Street576 nodes 2.Marylebone Campus559 nodes 3.Regent Street395 nodes 4.Wells Street31 nodes 5.Little Tichfield Street66 nodes 6.Harrow Campus254 nodes Over 1600 PCs from 6 different campuses Most machines are dual core running Windows SZTAKI Local Desktop Grid package installed (modified version of BOINC) Clients installed automatically using Novell ZENworks objects All clients registered under the same user account PCs used primarily for teaching – only unused cycles utilised by DG PC shut down automatically when there are no DG jobs What resources will you use for distributed rendering? The Westminster Local Desktop Grid As MentalRay requires licenses you can use PCs from two specialist labs only
Centre for Parallel Computing Tamas Kiss Centre for Parallel Computing Rendering is one of the applications supported by the portal Users are expected to have a certain level of understanding of WS P-GRADE End-use view of WS P-GRADE hides most of the complexity How will you access the resources and execute rendering tasks? P-GRADE Grid portal
Centre for Parallel Computing Tamas Kiss Centre for Parallel Computing Log-in to the portal Please use Firefox or Safari (but not Internet Explorer) Portal URL: Use your username and password given by your tutor
Centre for Parallel Computing Tamas Kiss Centre for Parallel Computing Change password Change your password to something safer (and please remember it!)
Centre for Parallel Computing Tamas Kiss Centre for Parallel Computing Import the rendering application to your account Hit the Workflow tab and then Import Press Refresh/show list Select Maya2 from the list and press execute
Centre for Parallel Computing Tamas Kiss Centre for Parallel Computing Configure the rendering application 1 Hit the Applications tab and then Configure
Centre for Parallel Computing Tamas Kiss Centre for Parallel Computing Configure the rendering application 2 Browse and upload the project zip file Set the first and last frames to render Specify how many work units you will create – your project will be divided to this number of units and rendered on different computers. Set the Scene file name, project name and output image format Press Save on server and then Submit the work project name: main folder in input zip file scene file name: one of the files from main/scenes