Tumwater School District Facilities Advisory Committee October 24, 2012
Agenda Welcome & Introductions Committee’s Role Capital Projects Since 2003 Property Purchases Enrollment & Growth 10-Year Facility Planning Identify Facility Needs Next Steps
Facilities Advisory Committee Align the Tumwater School District strategic plan for learning with a plan for our school facilities Make a capital projects recommendation to the Board in February –Project list –Bond, levy or combination –Amount A separate committee is reviewing District technology needs. Their work (and costs) will be a component of the Facility Plan
Projects since Littlerock Elem. - Bldg D (Gym) Modernization 2.Littlerock Elem. - Bldg B (Classroom) Mod. 3.PG Schmidt Elem. New Gym & Modernization of Buildings A & D 4.Black Lake Elem. Modernization 5.Black Hills HS New Gym & Tennis Courts 6.Stadium Elevator, Seating, Track and Field Upgrades 7.Stadium Classroom Modernization 8.Tumwater Hill Elem. Re-Roof 9.East Olympia Elem. Re-roof
Projects Since Elementary Playground Equipment Replacement 11.Linderson & Dennis Streets Improvements 12.Tumwater MS Main Building Modernization 13.MT Simmons Elem. Modernization 14.District Office Replacement 15.Elementary Site Acquisition 16.Tumwater Hill Elem. Exterior Paint 17.East Olympia Elem. Exterior Paint 18.Littlerock Elem. Exterior Paint 19.Tumwater HS Exterior Paint 20.Nineteen Portable Classrooms
On-Going Projects 1.Health, Safety and Security Projects 2.Energy Saving Projects 3.Buildings and Grounds Projects 4.Additional Portables 5.Operations / Bond Costs 6.Technology 7.Site Acquisition
Project Budget Since 2003 Costs $54.8 Million - Completed Projects $ 6.7 Million – On-Going Projects & Impact Fee Reserves $61.5 Million Total All Projects Revenues $37.8 Million – 2003 Bond $12.8 Million – State Match $ 3.3 Million – Previous Bond $ 3.8 Million – Impact Fees $ 0.8 Million – State & Utility Energy Grants $ 1.2 Million – FEMA & Insurance (Earthquake) $ 3.5 Million –Bond Interest $63.2 Million Total All Sources
Elementary Site Purchase 11.6 acres at intersection of Old 99 and 93 rd Avenue
Elementary Site Purchase 14.7 acres at intersection of 70 th Avenue and Kirsop Road
Middle School Site Purchase 20.8 acres at Veronna & Littlerock Rd. (across from BHHS at LR light
Other TSD-owned Property 6.9 acres on Linderson across from L & I
Site Purchase Issues with locating school sites: Avoid: 1.Areas of high groundwater 2.Airport runway approach zones 3.Natural gas pipeline 4.High voltage power lines 5.Mazama pocket gophers
Enrollment & Growth
Enrollment & Growth From Thurston Regional Planning Council PopulationEnrollment ,960 5, ,450 7, ,950 8, ,790 9,400 Over the next 20 years what new Elementary Schools, Middle Schools or High Schools will we need? What about the next 10 years?
Enrollment & Capacity
Next 10-Year Facilities Plan Dependent on approval of funds from new bond election, a capital levy or both Elections could occur in 2014, 2015 or 2016 Last M&O Levy in 2012 runs to 2016 Levies require simple majority Bonds require super majority
Next 10-Year Facilities Plan Debt service Fund
Next 10-Year Facilities Plan Tumwater match ratio in 2011 = 57.38% of cost allowance or $105 / SF
Next 10-Year Facilities Plan Priorities & Cost Control Can we afford to do all we want to do? How about what we need to do? How do we control costs? o Quantity o Quality If we can’t afford to do it right the first time, can we afford to do it again? How do we prioritize a project at a school against one at another? Or within each school?
Next 10-Year Facilities Plan Major Projects Tumwater & Bush Middle School Additions –Adds capacity and solves educational needs East Olympia & Tumwater Hill Modernizations –New 30-year life for facility Littlerock Replacement –Adds capacity and new 30-year life for facility PG Schmidt Replacement –New 30-year life for facility Alternative Learning Environment New –Adds capacity and solves educational needs
Next 10-Year Facilities Plan
Facilities Advisory Committee How do we prepare facilities to meet the needs of student learning? Individually: What do you think are the top one or two facility needs in the Tumwater School District?
Facilities Advisory Committee How do we prepare facilities to meet the needs of student learning? Small Groups: What do you think are the top one or two facility needs for each school in the District?
Facilities Advisory Committee Next Steps How do we prepare facilities to meet the needs of student learning? What information would you like or need us to provide? Report to Board on February 7 PM Suggested meeting dates (all Wednesdays): –November 14 –December 12 –January 9 and 30 –February 6