hieroglyphics Egyptian system of writing One of the world’s first writing systems Earliest forms of hieroglyphics are from around 3300 BCE Had over 600 symbols Written horizontally or vertically
Hieroglyphic alphabet
papyrus A long-lasting, paper-like material made from reeds
Rosetta Stone Discovered 1799 by a French soldier The Rosetta Stone is a stone slab inscribed with hieroglyphics Also had text in Greek and Egyptian
Egyptian Texts Because of the dry climate, texts have survived all this time The Book of the Dead tells of the afterlife
Egypt’s Great Temples Egyptians believed the temples were home to gods People visited to worship, offer gifts, and ask for favors
Sphinxes and Obelisks Sphinxes - imaginary creatures with the bodies of lions and the heads of other animals or humans Obelisk - a tall, pointed, four-sided pillar in ancient Egypt
Temple of Karnak
Abu Simbel
Luxor Temple
King Tutankhamen Discovered in 1922
King Tut’s Tomb