Ida- Virumaa Industrial Areas 2010 Teet Kuusmik – Foundation Ida- Virumaa Industrial Areas Development member of the board
2 Location Ida- Virumaa (Narva)
3 The County has great industrial traditions – the biggest part of Estonian production and power engineering potential is located here and we produce about 14 % of Estonian industrial products (2008). The largest economic spheres are: - shale oil refining, electricity and heating power production, - chemical industry, - woodworking, - metalworking, - producing construction materials, - plastics industry - food processing, - tourism. Ida- Virumaa at glance Source:
4 - Corporate bodyes – 8345 (2007) - Companies more than 50 employees – 105 (2007) - Companies more than 250 employees – 16 (2007) - Biggest company Eesti Energia AS – 7400 employees Companies in Ida- Virumaa Source:
5 Industrial output (Estonian counties) Source: Statistics Estonia Estonia total 2007 – 8339 mil EUR
6 Industrial output in Ida- Virumaa Source: Statistics Estonia
7 Ida- Viru export growth a. (mil EUR) Source: Statistics Estonia
8 Human resources – inhabitants in Estonian counties Source: (Statistics Estonia)
9 Gross Salary (month average) in Estonia 2 q 2010 (EUR) Source: (Statistics Estonia)
10 Unemployment rate Ida- Virumaa unemploiment rate by Statistics Estonia was 28,4% in 2 q 2010
11 Vocational scools - Ida- Virumaa Vocational Education Centre students - main specialities: welder (keevitaja), industrial technologist, operator technological processes, automatic systems - Narva Vocational Learning Centre students - main specialities: welder, automation specialist, machines- tools operator, mechatronics specialist Sillamäe Vocational Learning Centre - Sillamäe Vocational Learning Centre students - main specialities: welder, metal- worker
12 Ida- Virumaa industrial areas Source:
13 What we offer - Industrial Land (detail planned) – approximate price 10 EUR/m² - Infrastructural connections - Support services (business incubator, finding a suitable production facilities on market etc) - Support in Bureaucratic procedures in local authorities - Employees training and retraining - Suport from our partners: legal advise, book-keeping, business advise, financing advise etc. - We will make an offer, based on the needs of Your company
14 Thank you for Your attention! Teet Kuusmik – Foundation Ida- Virumaa Industrial Areas Development member of the board (Ida- Virumaa Industrial Areas)