Charles E. Egeler Reception and Guidance Center (RGC)
Number of Offenders Offenders arrive at RGC from the county jails at a rate of: per month 20 – 80 per day
Types of Offenders Offenders arrive at RGC that are:
Types of Offenders Parole Violators – Technical Rule Violators These offenders broke the rules of parole but have not been convicted of a new crime. These offenders will see the Parole Violation Unit (PVU) to determine if their parole will be reinstated or revoked if this has not been done at DRC. When the PVU is completed with their process, the offender will be transferred. They will likely be transferred prior to knowing their decision.
Types of Offenders Parole Violators with a New Sentence or Probation Violators with a New Sentence Offender was on parole or probation and has been convicted of a new crime.
Types of Offenders Probation Violator – Technical Violator Offender was on probation and violated that probation by breaking the rules. He has been re-sentenced from probation to prison.
Types of Offenders New Commitment Prisoner was not under any type of community supervision at the time of their offense.
Types of Offenders Youthful Offenders Prisoner under the age of 18 who is an adjudicated adult.
12 Day Process Offenders are taken through a 12 day process prior to leaving RGC. There are cases where the process is accelerated and completed in less than 12 days. Crisis Stabilization Unit, Medical / Mental Health Issues, Adaptive Skills Residential Program (previously known as SSDU). Levels I, II, and III are placed at Richard Handlon Correctional Facility. Levels IV and V are placed at St. Louis Correctional Facility, Protective Custody Cases, etc. Youthful offenders are placed at the Thumb Correctional Facility.
12 Day Process / Day 1 Offender is transported from the County Jail to RGC. The transporting officer provides Record Office Staff authorization to incarcerate offender. Property in possession of the offender, including clothing, is collected in the Intake Holding Area. Prisoners are given the choice to send items home or have the items destroyed. Offender is fingerprinted, strip searched, and jail reports are reviewed to identify immediate psychological or custody concerns.
12 Day Process / Day 1 Each prisoner receives a “face to face” interview with a Health Care Professional. Prisoners with mental health concerns are seen by a Qualified Mental Health Professional (QMHP). Prisoners with special health care/mental health needs are placed in holding cells for further evaluation. Prisoners designated as needing Crisis Stabilization might be sent to Woodland Center Correctional Facility or Duane Waters Health Center for Direct Observation. Prisoner is interviewed by Record Office staff to confirm all personal contact information. Pictures are taken for the prisoner ID card and scars, marks, and tattoos are photographed and entered into OMNI. Prisoner is given state-issued clothing through the quartermaster. Prisoner is given his prisoner number and ID and escorted to the Housing Unit. Prisoner PREA assessments are completed within 72 hours of arrival.
12 Day Process / Day 2 Day 2 is comprised of: Follow up from Day 1 Medical Reviews Prisoners identified from Day 1 as having special medical needs see a Physician. X-rays for TB Testing if needed Outpatient Mental Health Interviews
12 Day Process / Day 2 EDUCATION: School File Existing school files are requested from Record Retention New school files are created. Offender Education Tracking System (OETS) entry begins by school staff
12 Day Process/Day 2 Principal begins completion verification process and OETS entry. Workforce Development Referral Packets are created for each offender. Call-outs are created in the afternoon for offenders who were not able to attend in the morning.
12 Day Process/Day 2 Education/Workforce History Data Collection Transcript Request and workforce information sheets are created and completed by all offenders. Test of Adult Basic Education (TABE) Locator Testing Given to all offenders without verified High School Diploma or GED.
12 Day Process / Day 3 All Day 3 offenders go to: Medical for Labs (blood work) Vision Check Dental Clinic
12 Day Process / Day 4 Day 4 offenders are only released from their cells for a call-out to attend Psychological interviews or other designated callouts.
12 Day Process / Day 5 Day 5 offenders are released from their cells for a call- out to attend Psychological interviews in the AM. Prisoner Orientation is held in the PM of Day 5 Prisoner Peer Mediators present a segment on HIV/AIDS. Prisoners are informed of the following: Facility’s Administrative Staff Classification Process Prisoner Pitfalls COMPAS/TAP – begins the prisoner Reentry process Occupational Safety Count Procedures Disciplinary Policy SASSI
12 Day Process / Day 6 Day 6 offenders are released from their cells for a call-out for Psychological interviews in the AM
12 Day Process / Day 7 Education Staff calls out offenders who did not complete the Education/Workforce History Data Collection and TABE Locator Testing on Day 2. Principal continues verification of High School Diploma/GED completions and OETS entry. Education staff continues file completion and transfer Call-out for TABE Testing in the AM Vital Document Search (Birth Certificates/Social Security/License/State I.D. Cards). Psychological interviews (PM)
12 Day Process / Day 8 Vocational Interviews(AM) Teaching staff interview the offender to: Cover Career Scope Assessment results Inquire about past employment history Find out the anticipated county the prisoner will parole to Provide CTE programs pamphlet Psychological Interviews (PM)
12 Day Process / Days 9 & 10 Days 9 and 10 are reserved for offenders to receive their complete health physical.
12 Day Process / Days 11 & 12 Classification Prisoner is interviewed by a Corrections Program Coordinator and given: RGC Recommendations - These are based upon information found in the PSI and through interviews which determine what each prisoner needs. COMPAS Assessment – For all newly committed offenders age 18 or older whose COMPAS was not completed by FOA. Anyone under the age of 18 does not receive a COMPAS. Each prisoner is interviewed using the Collaborative Case Management style interview.
12 Day Process/Days 11 & 12 The Parole Board will interview designated prisoners and review their RGC recommendations prior to prisoners leaving RGC.
12 Day Process/Days 11 & 12 Initial Security Classification Property / Assault Screens All prisoners within 7 months of their ERD will receive a Parole Eligibility Report.
12 Day Process Offenders will be transferred to their receiving facility based on their security, program and medical needs. Technical Rule Violators will be transferred to Reentry facilities : They have had their PV hearings and Parole has been reinstated stipulating that the prisoner be placed at a Reentry site for 60 days. Prisoners are sent to the Reentry site closest to or in the region where they will parole. Some prisoners are paroled to the Reinstatement Diversion Programs IDRP Intensive Drug Residential Program - Ingham County Jail DRC/PRF Bridges/Detroit Reentry Center for programming Length of Stay at RGC The average length of stay at RGC for a new commit prisoner is days. The average length of stay at RGC for a Parole Violator varies depending on when they have their PV hearings.