Welcome Sixth Form Induction Information Mr Harris
What we Expect of Students
Results Students will need to get at least 5+ GCSE’s at Grade C or above to secure a place. Students must have English or Maths (hopefully both) Students must meet the criteria to be accepted on each subject you are choosing. B+ at GCSE for most A Levels A+ at GCSE for Maths C+ at GCSE/L2 Pass+ for Vocational Courses
What we Expect of Students Punctuality and Attendance Students must attend each day and be present for Registration at 0825hrs. Students must attend all lessons and not take unauthorised time off during term time. Students must attend timetabled study sessions which will be supervised in the Study Room. Students can leave after their last lesson of the day, and are free to use the canteen and common room during non- contact periods if up-to-date with study.
What we Expect of Students Attitude to Learning Work completed to the best of their ability Make good use of free time Read around the subject but not plagiarise others’ work Meet all deadlines set Tell an adult ASAP if there’s a problem which might impact on your learning.
What You can Expect of Us
Lessons Well planned Linked to Assessment Objectives Quality assured Interesting and thought-provoking Taught by knowledgeable staff armed with the right resources and equipment
What You can Expect of Us Curricular and Extra Curricular Visits and Enrichment A variety of trips and activities Community Involvement to make students more marketable – e.g. Paired Reading, Mentoring of younger students The Pilgrimage to Lourdes, France Fun rewards activities (e.g. Manchester Christmas Market) Curricular enhancements, e.g. Geography and Biology fieldwork Work Experience for all plus volunteering for most.
What You can Expect of Us Monitoring and Progress Checks Staff will mark work regularly, assess progress, and give students and parents regular feedback as to how they are doing. Target grades will be set early in the course. Three sets of data reported home in Year 12 Folder checks – are students organised? Parents Evening
What You can Expect of Us Pastoral Support Form tutors, first point of contact and day-to-day welfare. Year Leader: Miss Hall -> Mrs Elks Careers and Guidance Advisor: Julie Macaulay UCAS Coordinator: Mrs Burrows
Other Information
School Dress Code Suit-based Dark coloured Some flexibility (e.g. shirt/blouse colour and tie/scarf choice) Professional
School Bursary Looked After/Local Authority Care Registered Disabled in receipt of certain benefits – £1,200 guaranteed per year Free School Meals – £100 one-off school dress grant four weeks into term – Bid-in for payments at various times in the school year for other expenses – Advance payment of bus passes from mid-September available Tax Credits – Bid-in for payments at various times in the school year for other expenses – Advance payment of bus passes from mid-September available Bursary Application Dates Fri 6 th Nov Fri 26 th Feb Fri 10 th June
Home-School Transport The school has an agreement with Midland Classic – see the school website for times/routes Bursary students can claim for a free bus pass Other students facing financial difficulties, but who do not qualify for a bursary, should contact the school.
Reduce Costs B_Line Download the form online and have it signed by Mr Harris, Mrs Robinson or Mrs Rowe MyStaffordshireCard Apply online NUS Extra Card £12 (apply online in September) for discount at clothes shops, Co-op, Amazon, McDonalds etc. School Dress Buy in the Summer Sales!
Transition Homework Set by staff today Will be displayed on website by end of this week Keeps students in the learning mind-set over summer
Results Day We’ll be here from the moment students open their envelope. Please accompany students into school We’ll talk you through the results and check students are eligible for the courses you wish to study If you’re from another school, you’re welcome to pop in on Results Day morning for a chat and to confirm your place
Summer Help Use this address to contact us throughout the summer. Admission queries General questions Course changes Friends who now wish to apply Anything at all you’re unsure of!
Signing-on Day Tuesday 6 th September 1000hrs Bring proof of grades Meet in the Sixth Form area. Students will be given some forms to fill in and be interviewed by a senior member of staff. Careers advice and guidance available. Hand in the forms before leaving. We’ll generate a timetable overnight.
First Day of Term Wednesday 7 th September Tutor lists will be displayed in the window of the SEN Office by Reception Proceed to Tutor Room at the first bell (0825) Diaries, timetables and other important information will be shared at this time. Students need to bring their transition homework with them – see website for clarification.
Questions We are available to answer any questions you might have after this presentation