Morgridge College of Education Teacher Education Program Coursework and Learning Trajectory The Teacher Education Program is an intensive year-long graduate program. Apprentice Teachers are enrolled in courses while they complete fieldwork in an effort to integrate theory and practice in real time.
Morgridge College of Education Teacher Education Program Coursework and Learning Trajectory At some points in the program, theoretical knowledge from coursework precedes practical application. For example, students learn theory about English Language Acquisition early in the program, but won’t be expected to formally differentiate for ELLs until the Spring quarter. The following slide outlines general expectations for instructional practice over time.
QuarterCourses Summer English Language Acquisition Teaching and Learning Environments Math Content Fall Methods (content-specific) Literacy Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment (lesson planning) Educational Psychology for Special Children Fieldwork Winter Methods (content-specific) Literacy Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment Fieldwork Spring Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment Gifted and Talented Fieldwork
QuarterStudents are Expected to… Summer Observe in Mentor classrooms Attend planning and professional development when possible Fall Use Backward Planning to develop units of study Develop comprehensive lesson plans Winter Analyze and develop classroom assessments Collect data on student progress toward lesson objective Spring Differentiate instruction based on assessment data and student needs/interests
Morgridge College of Education Teacher Education Program Coursework and Learning Trajectory See the “FEET Scope and Sequence” for specific competencies anchored to each quarter.