Special Education BOE Work Session
Celebrate Success!
Types of Services: IDEA Part B and Preschool Ages 3-21 (inclusively) Developmental Therapy Comprehensive Developmental Classrooms Inclusion Intervention Occupational Therapy Physical Therapy Speech Therapy: Language, Speedy Speech, Communication Orientation & Mobility Training Vision Services: Braille, Functional Vision Assessment Social Skills Training Counseling Services
Types of Services: IDEA Part B and Preschool Ages 3-21 (inclusively) Interpreting Assistive Technology Training Evaluations: Psychological, Language, Speech, Autism, Adaptive Behavior, Achievement, etc… Functional Behavior Assessment Behavior Improvement Plans Gifted Services: Screening, Assessment, KEY classes Consultation Special Day School Transition Academy Homebound
Eligibility Guidelines cial-education-evaluation-eligibility cial-education-evaluation-eligibility New RTI 2 Guidelines are now used to identify a student with a Specific Learning Disability for grades K-8. This will also apply for grades 9-12 beginning in the ’16- ’17 SY.
Please feel free to contact me if you ever have questions regarding: Special Education Homebound 504 RTI 2 School Wide Positive Behavior Support
Keena Inman Director of Special Education